Chapter 6

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*Brittany POV*

I woke up Cameron shaking me. Hey babe it's time to get up,he said as I opened my eyes. I got up,grabbed my suit case,and walked out with Cameron and I hands intertwined. The limo drove us to Aaron and i's house. We get there and I didn't even eat,I went straight to bed with Cameron behind me. We both changed clothes and went to bed with Cameron's arms around me.

*Nash POV*

After Cameron and Brittany went to bed,the guys and I stayed up in the living room. Is anybody else mad that Cameron and Brittany are together? I asked as I look Yeah I mean Cameron knew I like her and he asked her out anyway,JackG said with anger his eyes. Ditto,Matthew said while running his hands in his hair. Why can't y'all be happy for her for once,Shawn said with his voice getting louder. Because she is suppose to be mine,Jack,Matt,and I say at the same time. No she wasn't if she was she should be with you but she isn't, Sam said. Stay out of this!! Nash said shoving Sam into the wall. Its on,Sam said before he punched me in the face. STOP IT NOW!!!,Brittany said with anger in her eyes with Cameron behind her.

*Brittany POV*

I was in the middle of sleeping when I was awaken to a loud thump. I walk out of my door after I woke Cameron up. To see Sam punching Nash. STOP IT NOW!!!,I said as they all stopped and looked at me. I'm sorry bri- I interrupted Nash. I don't want to hear it all of you get to bed now and don't even talk to me right now. With that I went in my room and slammed my door. Are you ok babe,Cameron asked me as he pulled me into him. Yeah I'm fine,I said I as turned to face Cameron. Talk to me what's wrong,he asked bring me to his chest. I don't know, when there my friends I love being around them but when they are like this I want to throw them out,I said taking a breath. Well they will always be your friend but they just try and protect you that's all,Cameron said kissing my head. Thank you Cameron,I said as I snuggled deeper into him. Your welcome princess I'm always here for you,he said playing with my hair. This is why you were always my favorite,I said as I felt him smile. Really I never knew that,he said with a smile on his face. Yeah anytime you and the guys came over you would always take me places and check on when I was sick. And when I was sad you would bring me ice cream and some movies and we could have an us day,I say looking at him. Yeah I would always have more fun with you then I would with the guys,he said looking down at me. Really well thank you for always being there for me cam,I said kissing his cheek. Your welcome babe,he said kissing my head. I was about to fall asleep when I heard Cameron say, I love you Brittany,he said as his grip got tighter. I love you too cam,I said scouting closer to him.

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