Jury Duty

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"Do you have any reason why you cannot fulfill your court duty?" The man asked me, not even looking up from his pile of papers.

"I'm a single father of seven." It was the best reason I have because I knew you could be released for undue hardships.

"Sir, more than half these people here are going to have to be released just for physical disabilities alone. I think you can find a babysitter." I walked away from him with a sigh. Jury duty at least happened while the boys were at school, but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do if I was still here when they got out.

After thirty minutes of just sitting there and watching people be able to leave, the judge called us into the main court room and we filed into the rows. I sat next to a woman that smelled like she bathed in flowery perfume this morning, and both attorneys and all court officials stood in front of us.

"It looks like you all did a good job. Let's get this started." They all went to their respective seating and I looked around the room to see if there was a clock. How the heck is there no clock?

Someone called for the first case to come in, and in filed my ex-wife and some other guy. We made eye contact as she scanned the jury, and she instantly stopped in her place. One of the policemen tried to nudge her forward, but she wouldn't move.

"I'm not going through with this if he's here." She pointed up at me and I could feel the whole court shift their gaze towards me.

"You are removed from the jury." I got up silently and bowed before leaving the court room. She was honestly doing me a favor kicking me out, but I'm still curious why she would be here with the other guy. Not that it should really matter to me.

Song Eunyeong was convicted of refraining important case evidence from the police and even helping the murderer cover up his tracks. Both were sent to jail for a period of time unreleased to the public.

A group of kids were also hit by a car this week. The driver claiming it was a necessary action after they had bullied a 5th grade student. The passenger in the car at the time claimed she was only along for the ride to punch the children and had no idea the plan was to run them over. Both girls are facing only a year in prison because it was necessary.

"Anyone want to see what your Mom's up to these days?" I asked after dinner, but they all just shrugged.

"Unless she killed someone or found a good dealer, I don't really care." Minho muttered, and Jisung nodded on the floor.

"Concerning, but okay."

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