I Just Want To Walk

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"I don't wanna!" I cried out, and I could see Dad's face soften.

"I know you don't like it, but I have to go back to work, Jisung." I pouted. My leg hurt and I had a blue cast from my thigh to my ankle so I couldn't hurt myself more. How am I supposed to play tag?

"Cheer up, Jisung! We can still play!" Binnie hyung offered, but I don't like playing with toys. I like playing outside and I can't. Between being in the hospital for almost two days and then not being able to walk, I'm upset.

"Jisung can't walk. Hyunjin can't stay awake. Felix cries when he's around the forbidden liquid. And I throw up on heights. Awesome." Minho hyung messed up my hair with a smile, and Dad sighed.

"That reminds me. I completely forgot to ask someone about Hyunjin." I looked over and saw hyung was indeed sleeping on the floor. He was supposed to be playing with me, but then he just fell asleep.

"I don't know what time it is, but shouldn't we go soon?" Changbin hyung asked, but then all you heard was Lix's screams.

I crab walked my way towards his room, dragging my cast on the ground.

"Lixxieee." I whined, but he just kept screaming for no reason. He was only in his diaper, but no one seemed to care. Screaming is a normal thing here.

"If you don't stop screaming, you won't grow!" Changbin hyung yelled from the living room, and Lix instantly stopped. He lifted his arms up and looked at me for help putting on a shirt, but it's not like I could do anything.

"He need help with shirt!" I yelled as I crab walked out, but Minho hyung was coming down the hallway and accidentally tripped over me.

"Did we get a cat?" I laughed and watched him pretend he couldn't see me.

"No kitty. Jus me."

"I want a cat!"

"Minho, we're not getting a cat." Dad added, and Felix meowed.

"Can someone get Lix clothes?" I asked, prompting the one year old to then come out from his room.

"I got you." Binnie hyung took him back into their room to get him dressed, and I crab walked back to the living room to shake Hyunjin hyung awake.

He groaned and rolled onto his stomach, so I curled next into his side and laid there with him. Why do we have to get up so early?

"Changbin, why's his shirt on backwards?"

"I don't know, hyung."

"Lix, stop running! I'm just trying to fix your shirt!"


"Who's- oh it's you." I tilted my head to look at Hyunjin hyung's face, and he wrapped an arm around me.

"You doin okay, Sungie?" I nodded and cuddled further into him. I watched as Minho hyung chased Felix around the house, trying to fix his shirt, and Dad drank coffee in the kitchen like his life depended on it.

"I bet we could decorate your cast at daycare." I hummed in agreement, groaning when Jeongin climbed on top of me and wedged himself between Hyunjin hyung and I to escape Seungmin.

"Don't we need to go, Dad?"

"Nothing happens if I don't have my coffee."

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