Swimming (sort of)

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"Can you please tell us where we're going before we leave the house?" Changbin whined, and I turned on my turn signal.

"Beach?" Jisung's guess was a decent one since I spent the morning struggling to find their swim suits and towels, but not quite.

"I'm taking you all to s-w-i-m lessons. Didn't I tell you?" I really need to start remembering what conversations I did or didn't have in my head.

"Why'd you spell the wor- oh." Minho shut his mouth and I nodded. I wasn't sure how Felix would react, so I figured it would be better to take Felix and the two babies to the grocery store.


"Lix is going to go to the store with the babies and I. Unless you want me to sit and smell the chlorine." Jisung decided that was funny and laughed as I pulled into the swimming facility.

That was another problem. How would I go in with the boys to sign them in without Felix seeing or hearing the water?

"Okay, Lix? I'm going to be right back. Just don't open the door for anyone." I got out of the van with the swim bag and the others piled out after me.

"Jinnie, wake up." He groaned from inside the van, and I reached in to unbuckle him. Eventually just deciding to carry him in.

"How long do we swim for?" I grabbed Jisung's hand, stopping him from running through the parking lot before answering Minho.

"Just forty-five minutes every day this week." The seven year old nodded and we walked into the facility. The majority of the walls were windows and the ceilings were raised extremely high.

"Swim lessons?" The lady at the desk asked, barely even looking up from her computer.

"Yeah." She pushed a binder full of lined paper and I signed the boys in. She pointed down the hall, and we found the men's locker room. I handed each of them their swim suits and they went into the stalls to change. I ended up having to help Jisung since the two year old wept tryin to walk out with his on backwards.

"What if I fall asleep?" Hyunjin asked, tugging on the bottom of my shorts. I sighed and handed him his goggles.

"Please don't." He pouted and Changbin took hold of his hand.

"Don't worry. I'll keep you awake." The two were about to run in the direction of the chlorine, but I stopped them. It was too slippery on the tile for anyone to be running.

"Binnine and Hyunjin are in the same class, but Minho and Jisung are on their own. Okay? So that means you all need to pay attention and listen to your instructors." They nodded and Minho shuddered from the cold air.

"Can we go swim now? Before I freeze?" I nodded and made sure they got to their lessons without tripping, running back to the van to make sure Felix hadn't run off on me.

Luckily when I opened the door I caught him in the action of trying to give Seungmin and Jeongin my coffee. He stopped as soon as he heard the door open, giving me the sweetest smile as he handed it to me.

"Careful, it hot."

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