Soft Babies

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"Can we do a movie night?" Changbin rocked back and forth on his heels in anticipation and Jisung stood behind him.

"Sure. You can all pick a movie and I'll get some popcorn." The two nodded and ran off to go find their brothers so they could all agree on something.

I grabbed two packages of popcorn and put the first in the microwave. Changbin and Jisung were running back and forth from the living room to where Lix and Minho were, probably listing off choices.

"Seungmin, don't eat the remote." I took the TV remote from the one year old with a sigh, but he just replaced the item in his hand with a block. It could be worse.

"What are you choosing between?"

Changbin paused at my question and held up two DVD cases. One was How To Train Your Dragon and the other was The Bee Movie. Oh boy.

The four year old ran back to the room, and I could hear the other two discussing things.

"Aw come on! Do it for the memes!" I sighed at Minho's comment and Changbin came back with a smile on his face.

"What did you all choose?" I opened up the microwave and took out the steaming bag, replacing it with another.

"The Bee Movie." He answered cheerfully, and Lix and Minho joined us in the living room. Minho came to the kitchen and poured out the bowls of popcorn while I grabbed Jeongin from wherever he was so he could sit with us.

"If I fall asleep can someone please wake me up? I don't want to miss the movie." Hyunjin whined, and Minho just shoved a bowl of popcorn in his hands.

"You won't fall asleep if you're eating." The four year old pouted and sat down on the floor, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"I take Innie." Jisung offered, and I placed the baby in his lap, keeping Seungmin in my own.

None of the kids seemed like they wanted to be on the couch, and they were all curled up in blanket burritos. Seungmin and I were the only ones on the couch when the movie started, but Lix soon joined us.

"Hit play!" Jisung shouted, and Changbin did as asked, prompting the opening credits. They could have picked a worse movie, that's for sure.


"Okay, bedtime." I turned off the DVD player, but no one responded. When I looked at the floor, everyone was asleep.

Jisung had curled himself into a ball on the couch, his mouth open slightly. Felix had his head in Changbin's lap, but his feet were draped over Minho's stomach. Minho was sitting against the couch asleep, Jeongin asleep in his lap. And Hyunjin was curled into Minho, his popcorn bowl barely touched.

I sighed at the sight in front of me, not really knowing if I should wake them up or not.

I set Seungmin down on the couch and carefully removed the popcorn bowls so no one tripped on them in the morning. I gently picked up Jisung and brought him to his bed, carefully doing the same to the others.

I should have known they wouldn't have stayed awake long enough to watch the whole movie.

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