It Wasn't Minho, Surprisingly

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"Ow! Who left Legos on the floor?" I sighed and looked from the kitchen to see what was going on.

Hyunjin was standing at the end of the hallway, his face one of extreme pain after stepping on a Lego barefooted. He had a blindfold on since him and Felix had been doing around all day blind, explaining why he didn't see the Legos.

The entire living room had Legos meticulously placed all around so every time you stepped there was a Lego. I think this is almost on the same level as a psychopath.

"You're not going to want to walk any further. There's Legos everywhere." He froze in his tracks, and Minho appeared behind him, peeking over his shoulder to see what was going on.

"Oh my gosh." The seven year old instantly bent down and started picking up all of the individual blocks. Which I would have done if I wasn't cooking dinner.

"Can I walk now?"

"No! When did we get so many Legos?"

Minho cleared a path for his younger brother before taking his hand and leading him down it so he didn't step on anything. If anything I would have expected Minho to be the one placing the Legos, not protecting him from them aggressively.

"Jisung! Get in here!"

"Minho, we don't scream at each other like that." I scolded, surprised he was even that angry at him.

The seven year old huffed and waited for his younger brother to come out of their shared room. I don't understand what the two year old could have possibly done to make Minho so mad. Minho never ever gets mad at Jisung.

"Hmm?" Jisung hummed, probably not even really understanding what was going on. I didn't even understand what was going on.

"You know you can't leave Legos on the floor! Someone could have gotten really hurt!" I turned around and saw tears welling up in Jisung's eyes, his bottom lip wobbling.

"Minho, how do you know he did it?" The seven year old ignored me, and I didn't know if I should really step in or not.

"Stop pretending, you know it doesn't work on me. Now go apologize and finish cleaning this up." The tears instantly stopped, and I was left wondering how much of a little con artist Jisung was when he quickly ran into the kitchen, muttered an apology to Hyunjin with a side hug and ran to pick up the Legos.

"Jisung! You know family members aren't free game!" Changbin called out from his own room, and I froze. What is even happening anymore?

"Except for Mom." Minho added in, and the two year old nodded solemnly. I don't remember raising a group of bounty hunters...

"Plan M?" Jisung questioned, and I was even more surprised when Minho nodded. How many plans do they have for different situations?

"Should I have let them share a room together?" Hyunjin instantly shook his head and ran his hand along the cupboard to get closer to me.

"They did this in the old house. We're lucky they have rules." My eyes widened and I froze for a second before I remembered that I can't burn dinner.

What in the world do they do when I'm not paying attention?

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