School Project

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"Teacher lady gave me a project today." Changbin shared, a pout crossing his lips.

"What kind of project?"

"One of those all about me things. But one that isn't fun."

"Oh I hate those. Let me see it."

Changbin pulled the half colored in paper out of his bag at Minho's request, the older inspecting it.

"Not the worst. That's still a pretty bad one, though."

"I did one of those today! But it was all pictures." Hyunjin piped up, unable to stop himself from fidgeting in the car seat.

"I bet your teacher will care about what you wrote." Changbin sulked, carefully stuffing the paper back in his bag as I pulled into the daycare to pick up the other boys.

"Can we go in an say hi to Miss Wendy?" Hyunjin asked, clearly excited at the thought of seeing her.

"Okay, but we're not staying. Just picking them up." He nodded, already out of his car seat and struggling to open the door.

"Miss Wendy!" Hyunjin screamed as soon as he saw her, and he ran up to give her a hug.

"Okay, boys, time to go. I think she wants to leave." Hyunjin reluctantly let go of her, and I grabbed Seungmin and Jeongin from the nursery.

"Lix, Sung, come on." I watched them quickly clean up the toys on the floor, and Jisung rolled himself into an awkward position so he could get up with his brace.

"Do I have to keep wearing dis?"

"If you want to walk, yes." He flung himself onto Minho, forcing the other to carry him.

"I don't need to walk. I have hyung." Minho scoffed and dropped him onto his feet.

"I'm too tired to do this."

Jisung frowned and dragged his feet all the way to the car, making sure to take extra long to get into the car to annoy the others behind him. He picked up the pace when Felix started protesting, sitting himself down in the back and tossing a backpack to Seungmin so it was out of his way.

Seungmin started playing with the zipper to Minho's bag, Jeongin attempting to lean over in his car seat to see inside. Together they managed to get the bag open and spill it's contents out onto the car floor, shaking it around until Minho grabbed it back.

"What's a hi... hit list?" Changbin asked, picking the labeled notebook off the ground.

"Nothing. You read it wrong." Minho snatched back the notebook and shoved it in his backpack along with everything else that had been dumped out.

Seungmin and Jeongin found it hysterical.

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