To The Beach

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"This is probably not going to be my greatest idea, but let's go to the beach." The boys had just gotten off from school for the summer and it feels like we haven't gone for a trip in forever.

"Really? We get to go somewhere?" Minho looked so surprised, but I could sense a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"Yeah. I even called up Taeyong and he'll bring whoever." I had wanted to catch up with my old classmate, and apparently his kids needed to get out of the house too, so we decided on the beach.

"Do you think Ten hyung will be there?" I shrugged at Minho's question. You never know who's going to show up when Taeyong comes with his kids. It all depends on who's home with him and who actually wanted to come.

"What about Felix?" I looked at Changbin and then at Felix. We just got him to stop crying everytime someone turned on the water in the bath tub last month, but he still has to sit in the doorway.

"He doesn't have to swim." Not like I would really let the one year old go in anyways. I might not even let Jisung fully go and swim.

"I'm thinking we can leave in ten minutes. Okay?"

Minho then jumped up to find his own swim stuff and I helped Hyunjin and Changbin with theirs. I already had the baby bag packed, sunblock and snacks, so that only left whatever the boys wanted to bring.

"Can Gyu come?" The four year old looked so hopeful sitting on the floor with his eyes wide, but bringing Gyu to the beach would be the worst place.

"I think Gyu needs to stay here. Okay?" He sighed but slowly nodded his head to show he understood. I made sure they all used the bathroom and were already changed before loading them all into the car. Jeongin and Hyunjin were passed out as soon as I started driving, but the rest started joking around with each other.

"Okay, but if you sniffed the sand would it go into your mouth if they're connected?"

"I dare you to try it."

"Then I dare you to go on a bridge again." The van went silent at what I thought to be a simple dare. I was not going to let Changbin snort sand though.

"Hyung, that's not funny." Jisung piped up, and in the mirror I could see Minho frozen in his seat.

"What's wrong with bridges?" My question caused the seven year old to freeze up even more, making Changbin answer for him.

"When he got lost he almost fell off a bridge." I don't understand why no one thought to tell me this, but then again that night I was very preoccupied with getting Minho food and figuring out what to do with Jeongin.

"Neither of you are doing those dares, okay?" I could see the two of them nod and the rest of the ride went along quite silently.

"So who do you think will come with Mr. Taeyong?"

"Chenle and Jisung are definitely coming, but I don't know. Renjun hyung doesn't normally come but Jaemin hyung and Jeno hyung normally do." I didn't think any of my kids would really ever get to know Taeyong's because of the age difference, but then he adopted twenty and Minho ended up being two years younger than his youngest.

"Are we there yet?"

"We have ten minutes left, Binnie."

"Are we there yet?"

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