Off To The Store

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"Dad, my teacher says I need shoes tomorrow." Changbin reported to me as he skipped out of his pre-school classroom. I gave his teacher a small smile and wave, but she just looked at me and ignored me. The four year old didn't seem to take notice of any of this, and he just kept skipping down the hallway ahead of me.

"Binnie, please wait for me." He stopped for two seconds without even looking back at me and just held up his hand for me to take.

"Do I get to go to work with you?" His eyes lit up as he looked at me with a smile, and I nodded. I have normally been dropping him off at the house so I can go back to work until my shift ends and I have to pick up the other two from school, but my wife told me she had brought the kids to the store with her so no one would be home.

"There should be a coloring book in the break room for you to use. You remember that you can't go into the kitchen, right?"

"I know, Daddy. It dangerous." He let go of my hand to try and open up the car door, but he couldn't quite reach. I watched him try a couple times before I opened it for him and helped him get buckled into his car seat.

"Is Lix at home? Can he come with us?" I climbed into the driver seat and started the car so I could get back to work as soon as I could. As head chef I wasn't technically supposed to leave, but I'm counting this as my lunch break.

"No, Mom took him to the store with her. You can see him when we get home." I saw him pout in the rear view mirror and cross his arms, but it wasn't like I could keep a slight eye on both of them as I'm working.

"So what did you do at school today?" I could see him perk up a bit when I glanced back again, and he started wiggling around.

"I got to draw a picture of our family and Gyu! I drew Gyu twice today! I also got to play and dance!" I smiled and pulled into the restaurant before helping him out of the car and taking his hand.

"It sounds like you had a lot of fun. Now remember, don't go in the kitchen and stay in the break room, okay? Daddy can't play right now, he has to work." Changbin nodded and moved closer to me as we entered my work place from the back entrance.

"Go have fun." I nudged him in the direction of the break room and he gladly ran in when he saw one of the other worker's kid coloring already. I shut the door since it usually is, and I made my way into the kitchen so I could go back to working. I just hope he follows directions tonight.


"Did everyone have a good day at school today?"

"Yeah." Changbin and Minho answered at the same, causing the younger to giggle.

"I got to play at Daddy's work!"

"I'm guessing Mom went to the store?" Min questioned, and I could see Changbin nodding his head aggressively.

"Channie was there again an we got to color together!"

I wasn't sure how much coloring Chan did since he's only two, but at least Changbin had fun. One of the servers that just got hired, Seungcheol I think, occasionally brings his son in to work with him when the usual babysitter has somewhere to go.

"Why isn't Mom home yet?" I pulled into the empty driveway and I checked my phone to see if she had sent me anything.

"I'm sure there's just a lot of people there or she saw someone she knew." Minho shrugged at my answer, but something still felt off to me.

"Come on, there's no point in staying in here." I opened my door and helped Changbin out after giving Minho the key so he could unlock the door.

"Daddy!" I stood up straight as Hyunjin crashed into my legs and clung onto me.

"Hey, I thought you were with Mom-"

"Lixie!" He screamed as he grabbed my pant leg and started pulling me in the direction of the house as hard as he could.

"Dad!" Minho shouted from inside the house, and I sprinted into the house to see what in the world was going on.

"Where is he?"

The six year old pointed shakily to the bathroom, and the sound of running water filled my ears. I burst through the bathroom door and froze as I watched the bathtub overflow onto the linoleum floor. Floating on top of the water was Felix, and I could hear Changbin scream behind me.

I scooped the one year old up and sat on the toilet lid so I could prop him up on my knee to attempt CPR. I sighed in relief when he started coughing up the water, and I sat him up on my leg.

"Someone please shut off the water." Minho did as I asked while I got out a towel and started to dry Felix off and get him into dry clothes.

"Anything else I should know, Hyunjin?" The three year old wiped his tears away with his fists while nodding his head sadly. Before he could say anything, Seungmin started crying in another room. I passed Felix to Minho and ran down the hall to pick up the crying newborn. He started to quiet down when I started rocking him, but then I noticed how things were missing from my room.

"What was it you were going to say, Jinnie?" I asked hesitantly as I tried to not let my mind get ahead of me.

"Mommy gone."

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