"I can't wait to see how Dad integrated Altean and Earth technologies together. I bet he came up with something amazing. And my mom..." Pidge's excited tone turned to a nervous ine when she thought about her mother.

"Oh, she's gonna be so mad at me for running away. I hope I'm not grounded."

Keith smiled then turned to Coran, his expression chanhing from happy to serious.

"How long do you think it'll take us to get home?" He asked as Coran calculated on his fingers.

"I was just calculating that now." Coram said, "Without the luxury of a wormhole and with the diminished power cores, let me see, carry the one... oh, it's gonna take us approximately 150,000 Earth years."

The outrageous estimate made everyone gasp in shock.

"A hundred and fifty thousand years?" Keith repeated.

"Coran, I think your finger counting us a little off." Pidge said, "It's gonna be 1.5 years."

Everyone groaned.

"Oh, right. I didnt carry the three."

"It's going to be a very long and difficult voyage, but it's our only chance to replace the Castle of Lions." Allura said.

Shiro looked dowm in disbelief, "There were times when I thought I'd never see Earth again. To be able to go back--"

"Well, what are we waiting for, guys? Let's hit the space road." Lance interrupted excitedly.

"I suppose we need to figure out who's flying with whom." Krolia said

"And what about the animals?" Coran added.

"What about them?" Pidge asked.

"Well, the wolf and Luna can't go with Kaltenecker, wolves and lions eat cows. And the cow can't be in the same area as the mice because aren't cows afraid of mice?"

"No elephants are afraid of mice." Lance said explaining what an elephant was further confusimg the Alteans.

"Well, luna is obviously riding with Zurine, those two can't exactly be separated for long." Keith said, "The wolf is riding eith he, but that means Hunk will have to take the cow."

"Me with the cow? Not a good idea." Hunk said.

"Hunks right. Keith, you're keeping the cow. Someone else is gonna have to take the wolf." Lance said. Everyone then glanced at Pidge, whose eyes widened at their silent idea.

"Not me. I am allergic." Pidge said.

"I'll take the mice." Allura said happily.

"How come you get the smallest passengers?" Keith asked annoyed.

"I say we go old school and draw straws." Hunk suggested.

"But I'm terrible at drawing." Allura complained as she slumped her shoulders.

"She really is. It's Princess Zurine who has the artistic talent." Coran said, "One time, she tried to draw her Nan-man, but what she came up with, I've gotta say it looked more like a flan-bil-diplor."

"Guys, you're all Over thinking this. I know exactly where everyone should go." Lance said confidently.

After explaining where everyone went, they were all about to board their lions, when all of a sudden, my lion purred. Her eyes shining a brilliant blue.

Everyone gasped and ran into the lion, seeing me slowly move in my sleep, but not awakening.

When I didn't wake up, everyone sighed sadly, their hopes diminishing quickly.

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