~No Rest For The Sinners~

Start from the beginning

   ~Madam Sutcliff.

The invitation was exceptional.  High class and Nobel.  And scent? He smelled the invitation. It seemed like a Nobel woman. A familiar scent.... . It looked and felt normal for once.  Sebastian came back with the dessert is master wanted. 

"Master. Your kisses and cocoa.  It seems that you request kisses often" he grins.

Ciel blushes once again and glares, "quiet Sebastian!" he picks up a kiss and eat it as he sipped on his tea.

Sebastian cleared the other plates. At least his appetite was still there.  He caught a scent of the invitation.  "Rosewood and red carnations... with lavender and.... lily.  A wonderful scent.  Is that a new scent your wearing sir? Its very pleasant." The scent from the letter must of gotten on him.

"Huh?...no...it is the scent that came with the invitation to tonights dinner party" he ate his sweets slowly enjoying the taste, made to perfection.

"Ah. Madam Sutcliff?" He glanced at the invitation.  "It is a high honor. It seems only high class noblemen and women are being invited.  The town all talk about it. Celebrating the new cargo shipping and deliveries to the Americas.  Are you planning to attend tonight my lord?  It said the madam is fond of exquisite tastes and fashion."

"I suppose" he plays with the desert on his plate a bit bored, he sighed and took another bite from the Cocoa Flummery, he finishes the bite and swallowed so he wouldn't speak rudely while eating..."it would be rude if I did not accept the invitation"

"I shall prepare your wardrobe. The usual my lord?" Sebastian knew his master wouldn't question him right now about what he found in the doctor labs.  He was certainly not bringing it up first.

Ciel noticed Sebastian  hiding something "speak dog....I can see you shivering like a chihuahua...what is it that your hiding"

" I only speak when your order it my lord.  What kind of butler would I if I didn't obey your orders." He grins as he reports.  " the doctor had files on all the Phantomhive's.  medication on your health while you were a child.  He purposely made your condition worse.  And.... Your father had signed the treatments." That had to be a lie.  His father allowed it? "i took all the files to go over.  My lord, I'm sorry to give you this news."

He stood up angrily and threw the rest of the cocoa cake into Sebastian's face, "THAT IS A LIE!....M-my father would have never done that!...it must have been a forge" he looks down upset and pushed away his tears as he move away from his desk and towards the door "stupid butler...." he left his studies and went to his room slamming the door and locking it.

"i  would never lie to you boochan" he whispered as the door was slammed.  He wiped the dessert off his face.  He left the manor to buy the master something new to wear to the dinner party.  Giving his master time alone to review the files he left in the room he locked himself in.

Ciel threw the papers to the ground they all scattered, he panted angry and upset, "no ...he wouldn't...but...why?"

Sebastian looked at his watch.  It was 5:00pm.  He needed to get the master ready.  He came back to the London manor and knocked on the door.  "Master, I have a bath ready.  You wouldn't want to be late...."he waited for his lord to unlock the door. It wouldn't take much to break it down. He respected the need to be alone.  He had the box of the new outfit he had selected and hoped that the master would enjoy it.

Ciel unlocked the door and opened it, hiding his red eyes looking down, he sniffles a bit... "Alright, let's get this over with.." he cleared his throat and went back to his cold, and normal side.

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