"No. I think I'm just dehydrated" I stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen to get some water from the fridge.

My mom followed and took a seat at the kitchen table. "Go get ready! We're all going out to dinner. We're going to the new Korean barbecue place!"


love bug

hey honey

You back from dinner?

I miss you :(

hunny bunny


I miss you too.

So does everyone here. Especially mom

love bug

Did you see Layla?!

How much did she grow since we last saw her?

hunny bunny

You wouldn't believe me if I told you

She had the biggest growth spurt

And guess who I saw today?!

love bug


hunny bunny


She came over and apologized

Timothy cheated on her apparently

love bug

aw man that sucks

Hey. I have to go now

Gerty's calling me for rehearsals

Good night!

Love you lots

hunny bunny

love you lots more

I turned off my phone and placed it on the nightstand. The hardest part of being away from Shawn were the time zones. Whenever it's nighttime here, it's day time there and he has rehearsals or press conferences. I felt the same grumble in my stomach as I did earlier. I got up from the bed and ran over to the toilet to puke my dinner.

I sighed. When was the last time I had my period? About a month ago? I went back to the bedroom to check the date on my phone. I'm about two weeks late.


"Just this?" The cashier at the pharmacy asked me.

"Mhm" I agreed. She scanned the barcode on the blue and pink box.

"Are you planning?" She asked me.

I looked up at her, surprised, since I was dazed in my thoughts. "I'm sorry?"

"Are you planning for a baby? I just assumed since you're buying a pregnancy test and all"

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