18 ~ the hint

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I threw a gaze at my mother, who was cutting her beef with full concentration, and paused a moment.

"Why so soon?"

She'd been with me for only four days, but her presence reminded me why I counted down to go back to school on my semester breaks. However, I was going to play the good boy and act like I wanted to spend more time with her.

"You're busy," was her answer.

You're always busy, mom.

Whenever I asked her to play with me, she would say the same thing. I didn't know then that she was too busy for all of us. What could have destroyed our family missed the mark and just ended up destroying my faith in family. I was part of a secret that my mother didn't know—she thought she was too cautious with her secret affair.

I put a piece of beef into my mouth and the table rendered silent in the wake. I grew up, she grew old—in different directions we evolved. She was still my mother but we didn't admittedly have much to share.

I half-ass offered to help her for packing before going out to walk Max but she kindly declined and said she was almost ready anyway. I took Max out and called Mila once we were in a safe distance. She answered when I was about to hang up. "Austin."

"Don't ever make a surprise to me again."

Her voice was shaking when she replied, "Look—"

"You know we don't get along."

"I do but I thought if you spent time alone together, it would break the ice between you. You would come home for the holidays... we would be a family." I hated myself for yelling at her but she needed to know that she couldn't pry into my life.

"If I wanted to spend my holidays with them, I would come. You are welcome to stay here with me whenever you want. Please respect me."

I adjusted Max's leash when he attempted to run forward to another dog. Mila's sigh filled the line before she replied, "I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be mad." I wasn't mad at her but she wouldn't understand. "I can't visit you this month," she added. "I need to be here."

"Okay. Come whenever."

"Okay." Silence kicked in before she bid goodbye. Shoving my phone into my pocket, I focused on Max and the road.

The past was creeping back on me—first, Mom and now, Veronica. She hadn't messaged me after I accepted her request. Her sudden return was bugging me but I was keen on waiting.

Kara. I remembered how she stormed out of the restaurant once she saw me. When Max barked, I shook my head. On the crossroad, I turned right although the park was on the left. I needed to confront her. For the sake of my sanity, I needed to sort out one of the many complications in my life. She owed me an explanation—whether she was willing or not.

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