Chapter One

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I took a deep breath before opening the doors of the tall building.

There was an intimidating atmosphere immediately as I opened the doors. People frantically rushed around yelling things, singing, dancing, throwing papers. Despite the nauseous feeling, I was excited to work here. It was almost like mixing work with play.

Grassi's Media was basically this whole company for entertainment. They created and organized entertainment for companies. It was an amazing opportunity and I was extremely lucky to be getting it.

"Hi. Scott Hoying. It's my first day of my internship," I said to the woman at the desk.

She typed a few things on a computer and I patiently waited. Then, all of a sudden her eyes bugged out of her head. "Oh my!" She said.

"What is it?" I asked, worriedly.

"You're working with the boss. That's a very hard position to get."

Wait. I'm working with Mitch Grassi?! Man, if I thought I was naseous before.

"He's on the top floor, 42. Once you get of the elevator take and left and go down the hallway. Good luck."


"Oh wait. Can you tell me what he's like?" She looked me up and down while licking her lips. "Maybe over dinner?"

"Maybe," I said while quickly turning and walking away. My stupid jawline is always confusing people on my sexuality.

But Mitch Grassi?! He was one of the most talented people in the business. He could sing, act, write, and dance(but I heard that wasn't his best skill). I couldn't help but feel proud and honored to get this position. Interning for Mitch Grassi? Damn, I'd be his slave if he asked.

I spent the rest of the long elevator ride trying to keep my nerves in check. I could not ruin my first impression.

I did as the flirty lady from downstairs said and took a left. I passed many offices and couldn't help the grin that came to my lips. This was my dream job for crying out loud.

I finally reached the end of the hall to meet an office. I was guessing that was where I needed to be so I took a seat. I looked around the office to see endless amounts of quotes about being happy. Jeez, someone's a little obsessed. I looked on the desk to see a picture of a woman and man. The woman had long blonde hair and was about half of the height of man. I laughed at the difference.

There was another picture of the most adorable dog that I'd ever seen. I was going to pick it up but someone entered the room.

"Hi!" she said and I recognized her from the picture on the desk.

"Um, hello."

"I'm Kirstie," she said, sticking out her hand.

"Scott. Scott Hoying."

"Right. The new intern. Well let's get your information straight, okay?"

"Straight, oh Kirstie you're funny," someone said. I turned to see that the voice belonged to Mitch Grassi. The fucking Mitch Grassi.

I swallowed nervously. The pictures I'd seen of him didn't do him justice, he was a million times more attractive in person. He had stunning brown eyes with hints of gold that could captivate you instantly. He had perfect teeth that went along with his dimples as he smiled. His hair rested on his face to the side and his eyebrows were perfect. His beard complimented all his other qualities, making the most attractive person ever even more attractive.

I turned back to Kirstie when I realized I'd been staring too long.

"Starstruck?" She asked with amusement all over her face. "Hey Mitch why is it funny that I said straight?"

He just shook his head and winked at me. "It's the first day and there's a lot of work to be done. Send him to my office when you're finished here." And with that Mitch walked out.

Kirstie asked me pointless questions about my birthday, health issues, and other things. I just wanted to go with Mitch. She finally finished and I(probably too eagerly) jumped up to go to Mitch.

"Slow down hun. He's not becoming straight anytime soon," Kirstie called after me. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I tried to slowly walk to Mitch's office and keep myself calm.

I made it to his office and lightly knocked on the door. "Come in!" he called.

I couldn't help but let my jaw drop as I stepped in. His office was enormous. He had Beyoncé posters all over the walls mixed in with other posters of other artists. There was a couch, a printer, a refrigerator, and of course a desk.

"Hey come sit," he said gesturing to the seat in front of his desk.

"Ok so get to know you shit is pointless," he started after I sat down. "You and I are going to be spending a lot of time together and we'll get to know each other throughout it. I'm really sorry if you thought that it would be a walk in the park because it's the first day, because that's not true. You got put with me and I never get easy days, so we're working today. I don't expect much from you, you can just shadow me, but you've got to keep up. Got it?"

I nodded, terrified for what lay ahead.

"Alright let's get going uh--"

"Scott," I finished for him while holding out my hand.

He shook it. "Scott. Cute name for a cute guy. Okay, no time to waste."

He got up quickly, allowing me no time to process the fact that he just called me cute. Fuck my inner fangirl for coming at the worst times.

Mitch began the walk down the long hallway, that seemed to have gotten longer since the last time I'd been in it twenty minutes ago.

"Okay, first stop is Chris and Lilly on floor 5. They're doing a dance for a local cancer charity. And it'll move you, trust me. They're telling the story of a boy and girl who fall in love but then the girl dies in a car crash. Then we go to Tammy on floor 16. She's written a narrative on falling in love with a straight girl at her school. And finally we have Ryan. He's creating a short film that I know nothing about, he's pitching us the idea today. Then lunch, then board meeting, then you're free."

"What about you?" I asked.

"Me? I still have work to do after you leave. I'm going to work on a narrative." He then said something under his breath that I couldn't hear.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing!" He said happily, too happily in fact. I decided to let it rest though. I'm not going to be the pushy guy who gets into stranger's business.

We entered the elevator and began the long descend. Mitch hummed quietly and I realized, for the millionth time today, just how damn lucky I was to be here.

It wasn't going to be easy, that's for sure. But Mitch was interesting, fun, and definitely not too hard on the eyes. Everything was going to be alright.

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