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It had been a few days since Crowley visited Aziraphale. This would be concerning to Aziraphale if they hadn't gone centuries without seeing on another. The angel took the time without the chaoticness of the demon to clean around the shop, while somehow maintaining the old and dusty feel as he like it.

Crowley on the other hand, was having one of the hardest times he's ever had. He wanted to make a scheme so perfect, so brilliant, so chaotic, the angel would have to kiss him. The plants of course got the brunt of his ideas and the tantrums he has when he thought an idea was dumb. The poor demon hadn't left his house, washed, or even bothered with skinny jeans.

"I'VE GOT IT!" Crowley exclaimed, his eyes were wide and more yellow than usual and his snake tounge was flapping out of his mouth.

He finally showered and got dress this time not in the harsh blacks and reds, there were black jeans but his blue tie and a creme shirt but he work a black leather jacket over it. He can't completely sacrifice his wardrobe for the angel. He sauntered out if his flat.

Once in his Bentley, he remembered he needed to scour for food. The only way to Aziraphale's heart is with a snack. He had the perfect idea of what to get him too. He drove off to a bakery then to Aziraphale's shop.

Aziraphale was enjoying a cup of tea and a rather raunchy romance novel, every few pages he would scrunch up and go "oh dear." He had no particular reason to read it other than Anathema asking him to. He was beginning to wonder if he taste was to be trusted.

There was a knock on the door and Aziraphale jumped. He first thought was to hide the book. He was an angel, and angels don't read such smut. He opened the door to see a familiar as well as happy face.

"Crowley." Aziraphale smiled.

"Hello angel. I brought you some cake."

Aziraphale lighted up at the mention of food. Crowley walked in and sat the cake box down on the angels desk, he himself leaned on the desk with his arms crossed. Aziraphale went to open the box and there was a baked angel food cake inside.

"A little...on the nose are we?" Aziraphale giggled.

"Always angel." Crowley reached his hand out to the angel and lightly brushed his side. Aziraphale moved closer to the demon. Things he read in books are happening to him. He didn't know how to react exactly.

"Angel, I do believe that I love you." Crowley admitted. It came as much as a surprise to himself as it did Aziraphale.

"I am an angel...I love every living thing. It's my job, but I love you the most."

The demon smiled and finally do the only thing he's wanted to do since the beginning of time. He kissed his angel. A kiss between a demon and angel should have been enough to cause universes to collapse and shake both heaven and hell. But between the both of them there is enough good and bad to cause nothing but explosions in there minds and feelings.

Not to mention, even I was rooting for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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