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Aziraphale had a busy day in the bookshop trying to sell as little as possible. But he did enjoy selling books to children. Adam and the them came in today with Anathema and Newt. Aziraphale pointed all of them to books of interest. Adventure books for Adam, woman's history for Pepper, Wensleydale picked up space books, while Aziraphale gave a book titled "How To Be A Proper Young Man" to Brian. He let Anathema and Newt browse his special collection in the back. Mostly mid 17th century stuff.

Aziraphale was in heaven (but not really because there is no Gabriel to make fun of him here).  Aziraphale watched as they had a nice time in the shop. Crowely soon came in to deliver Aziraphale his lunch as he had done for the last week. He made his way to the back of the store.

"Aziraphale, love, I'm here with lunch!" Crowely called.

Aziraphale ran to shush him immediately. It was too late Anathema had heard them.

"Did I hear that right?" Anathema asked.

"Yes...." Aziraphale whispered and blushed.

"I'm so happy for you two." She smiled.

"Thank you." Aziraphale answered.

"I asked him out." Crowely interrupted while sitting.

"It's doesn't matter who asked who out." Aziraphale said.

"Of course it dose."

"No it doesn't."

Anathema rolled her eyes and cleared her throat to remind them she is there.

"You to fight like an old couple." She commented.

"We have been in close proximity for the last 6,000 years maybe that's why." Aziraphale said.

"And I've been shooting my shot every 150 years and you've never picked it up."

"Shoot..... your.... what?" Aziraphale asked genuinely confused.

"Nevermind. I brought you lunch will you eat it or not."

"Well of course I will. What did you bring today?"

"I brought you Chicago deep dish. From Chicago." Crowely said casually.

"Really?" Aziraphale said with delight.

"Yes. Nothing is too good for you." Crowely said looking for a drink.

"There is a slice taken out of my pizza." Aziraphale said opening the box.

"I got peckish." Crowely said. Giving up and drinking from a flask.

"Oh, alright. You forgot to get napkins." Aziraphale mentioned.

"Who cares just miracle some up."

"Yes of course." Aziraphale did and started his lunch.

Crowely sat across from him. He watched as Aziraphale enjoyed his lunch.

"You know we haven't kissed." Crowely said.

Aziraphale blushed bright red. "Have you ever?"

"I have, it was apart of the job description. I've had women and men. Just for the sake of trying it. Since sex is a sin anyway."

"Yes I suppose." Aziraphale said.

"Want to kiss?" Crowely brought up.

"If I do that then I've really fallen." Aziraphale said.

"Well you've come this far maybe another time then. I have something to take care of anyway." Crowely if course didn't have anything to do other than verbally abuse his plants. "Goodbye love." Crowely made his way from the shop.

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