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Crowely pulled up to the front of Aziraphale's books store. The last time he visited this place it was engulfed in flames. It was a pleasure to see it standing and in one piece with Aziraphale standing in the corner book in hand.

"Hey." Crowley said as he walked up to Aziraphale.

"Oh, hi Crowely, what brings you here?" Aziraphale asked with genuine confusion.

"Nothing, I was just in the neighbourhood. I also brought you lunch. You're usually peckish."

"Well don't mind if I do, what did you bring me?" Aziraphale asked.

Crowely just shrugged and dropped a brown bag on his desk. Aziraphale opened it to find crepes, his jaw dropped open.

"No, you didn't." He gasped.

"I did. All the way from Paris." Crowely turned away and pretended to browse books. He was truly hiding his smile.

"This is too much, you must have one with me." Aziraphale insisted.

"Nah I'm fine." Crowely said.

"Now about that book fair, I-"

"You know the last time I was in here it was burning. I thought you were discorperated for good." Crowley interrupted.

"I'm sorry Crowely. I'm back now and I don't plan to go away." Aziraphale looked up at the demon.

"Okay continue about this boring book fair I'm going to." Crowely stopped himself before anymore innocent looks came from Aziraphale (although he is an angel and all looks are innocent).

"It's in south London in a park. Just planning to get a few more books for my collection."

"Why don't we kill two birds with one stone and picnic there too." Crowely shrugged.

"What a marvelous idea." Aziraphale had a big smile on his face, along with blueberry sauce. "What should I bring then?"

"Nothing at all. I'll handle everything." Crowely insisted.

"Nonsense it would be rude if I didn't do something."

"Then be rude for the first time ever."

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time ever, I said a swear before." Aziraphale whipped his face and looked down in shame.

"You? Holier than thou, Aziraphale? Cursed?" The demon could hardly contain his laughter and excitement. "Which one was it?" Crowely laughed.

"Well, it was the rather, big one." Aziraphale said becoming more ashamed by the moment.

"C'mon angel, spit it out, again." Crowely laughed so hard he was hunched over holding his stomach.

"No, I won't I refuse, and if you must know it was the f one. I'm so ashamed."

"YOU SAID FUCK!?" Crowely at this point was writhing on the floor.

"Don't be so loud someone might hear." At this point Aziraphale was kneeling on the floor next to Crowely.

When Crowely regained his breath and stature he laid on his back and looked up at Aziraphale in a gentle manor through he sunglasses. "Don't be such a baby. I used to be like you and now I say stupid shit all the time. See look I did it again." He reasoned with Aziraphale.

"Well unlike you I like my job in heaven and I'm good at it." Aziraphale stood up again. And looked at Crowely expecting him to do the same. Crowely didn't budge.

"I'm not moving. I like it down here." Crowely said.

"You'll need to remove yourself from my floor at some point." Aziraphale said.

"I'm fine down here."

"Anthony J. Crowely, if that is still your name, get up."

"Fine, fine." Crowely stood. "I think I'll be on my way any how. There's chaos a foot."

"Don't do anything too drastic. I just want to spend my night in. I dot want to have to run about and fix everything you do."

"Don't worry about it." Crowely said as he left the store.

He got in the Bentley and drove off thinking of what foods Aziraphale would like. The best possible ways to make the angel happy and surprised.

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