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Aziraphale found a nice bottle of 30 year old merlot. He set it down on the table in his back office. He wanted everything to be a certain level of perfection. He wanted to have a long conversation with the snake.

The demon would be coming any minute. Aziraphale straightened his peacoat and bow tie. He set out two glasses and took a deep breath.

He looked out of the window, he watched as the car of the wicked pulled up. He watched as Crowely left the car and walked up the few stairs to the bookshop. Aziraphale sprang from the door and opened it for the demon.

"Hello angel." Crowely said making his way to the wine. He poured himself a glass and sat.

Aziraphale followed suite. Soon enough they were both sitting across from one another and drinking.

"Has Beelzebub contacted you since Doomsday?" Aziraphale asked.

"No, and what about you?"

"I think that Gabriel will always be mad at me he really wanted a war." Aziraphale muttered.

There was a silence in the room that weighed heavy.

"You know, don't think I ever met you in Heaven." Aziraphale said.

"Ah, you wouldn't have."

"Well why not?"

"I asked too many questions apparently. I didn't fit in." There was a ting of pain in Crowely's voice.

"Did it hurt?"

"When I fell from Heaven." Crowely smiled.

Aziraphale shot him a serious look.

"No, not really. It just burned. It burned a lot. When I finally hit, my wings were black. I was burning, hot to the touch. Even my eyes hurt. It took me a while to realize they were yellow and I'd become a serpent. Still burns I guess, or maybe it's just me, and I'm used to it."

"Crowely....." Aziraphale sighed. It was a sad sigh.

"C'mon, I get to do what I want now at least. I've got no reputation to uphold at the moment and neither do you." Crowely smiled.

"So I can call you nice then." Aziraphale pushed.

"Absolutely not, I may not have to keep up a reputation but that doesn't mean I'm not me." Crowely hissed.

"Okay, fine." Aziraphale took a drink. "I like you much better than any of the angels anyway."

"Because you have a little bit of demon in you." Crowely answered. "Or else you wouldn't have said fuck."

Aziraphale turned cherry red.

"I must admit, Earth and the humans have rubbed off on me I suppose." Aziraphale admitted.

They smiled and drank more. They bantered all night.

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