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Aziraphale sat down and watched as Crowely came to sit next to him. They had a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Watching the people and the birds.

"So what did you want angel? What was so important to talk about that you couldn't tell me on the phone?"

"Well, I um, I wanted to ask if you would, uh, well.....come to the circus with me." Aziraphale exclamated at the last minute.

"Really the circus? You couldn't ask over the phone?" Crowely groaned.

"Yes, it's in Tadsfield."

"So you asked me all the way out here to ask me to drive to Tadsfield to watch a circus with you?" Crowely said rubbing his temples.

"Well, yes?" Aziraphale tried to sound confident but failed.

"C'mon." Crowely said standing up and walking towards the Bentley.

Aziraphale followed and mentally kicked himself for not admitting his crush. How do humans do it? The drive to Tadsfield was a silent one. Aziraphale was at a loss for words, but there were no words that had to explain how they felt about being in that small little village again. The last time they were there Aziraphale was in Madam Tracy and Crowely's car was on fire. Not to mention Armageddon. they bringing of the war to end wars. Being in Tadsfield was a mix of fear and nostalgia for the two.

"We're here." Crowely said in the parking yard (it was a big field full of cars).

Aziraphale was pulled from his thoughts and left the car.  They could hear the circus music and wasted no time going inside. They didn't bother with any of the other attractions and went for the big tent. They say down. A few seats were empty around them.

"Would you like popcorn?" Crowely asked the angel.

"Oh, yes please." Aziraphale said.

Crowely called for a popcorn vendor while a couple sat down  next to them. Crowely paid for the food and turned his attention back to the angel.

"Here angel, take your food." Crowely said. But there was another listening.

"Are you two dating?" A familiar voice asked.

Crowely and Aziraphale both turned. It was Newton. Aziraphale half smiled while Crowely rolled his eyes at the remark.

"Hello Mr. Pulsifer, Ms. Device." Aziraphale greeted.

"No, we aren't dating, this isn't a date! It's just what he is!" Crowely fumed. Aziraphale blushed at that.

"Newt the children should be here any minute." Anathema reminded.

"Children? You had kids?" Crowely asked.

"Oh no." Anathema laughed. "I mean Adam and his friends."

"How delightful." Aziraphale said.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating? You guys look like you're on a date." Newt pointed out.

"This is not a date, we've done things like this for 6000 years." Aziraphale answered.

Newts eyes widened. He looked at Anathema for guidance.

"Those two are celestial beings as old as time itself. An angel and a demon, unlikeliest of friends." Anathema whispered to him.

"I think I see them!" Crowely called. "The kids."

Newt went to get them and tell them were they are sitting. The children and the dog came to sit. They all enjoyed the show. Aziraphale preformed a few miracles to save the acrobats from a nasty fall, but he didn't know that Crowely organized the fall. But the kids loved seeing it. Adam had his friends be chosen to join a few acts. Pepper yelled about animal cruelty and made Adam promise to have them released into their natural habitat.

When it was time to go the evening was full of long goodbyes while the kids ride home and everyone parted ways. While driving Crowely looked to see a sleeping Aziraphale, he slowed down for the angel and drove safely. He didn't want to wake Aziraphale. But perhaps he slowed down for the celestial in more ways than one.

I went to a Local Comic Con yesterday and it was so fun! I can't sit till next year to cosplay. I'll be the Tap Dance Killer! But anyway, I had to finish one before the weekend and it 11:40 now so goal complete. 

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