Survival - Pt. 2 | The Secret - Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

"You're bleeding!" I gasped, showing him the handkerchief, and sure enough... I looked up to find blood streaming down Jungkook's nose.

"Oh shit!" Jungkook grabbed the handkerchief from my hands to press it against his nostril.

"Mianhae..." Jimin mumbled in guilt. Still pressing the handkerchief against his nose, Jungkook fired Jimin a side glare before tilting his head back to drain the blood.

"Why are you so dirty?" I questioned Jungkook in confusion. How the hell did he get this messy?

"I was searching for you when I suddenly tripped and fell into the hedge!" Jungkook huffed at me in displease. Dirt was smudged all over his face, and there was even a little cut on his upper left cheekbone.

"Spspfff!" Jimin sniggered at Jungkook, so the injured alpha fired him an irritated glare.

"Araso! Araso! I'm sorry, alright?! It's just that you look ridiculous," Jimin darted Jungkook a teasing smile.

"Head back into the building. Everyone is looking for you," Jungkook muttered, walking away from us. I don't want to go back... I don't want to deal with it. I turned to look at Jimin sadly. He pursed his lips with a conflicted frown and glanced at Jungkook. 

"Wae? Let's go!" Jungkook stopped dead when he noticed we weren't following him.

"She's not going back there," Jimin sighed after grabbing my wrist... leading me the other way. Where are we going? It doesn't matter. As long as it's not the elite building, then I'm fine with it.

"Yah! Where do you think you're going?" Jungkook snapped while staring at us in confusion, but Jimin didn't respond to him and dragged me away from Jungkook. Instead of returning to the building, we entered the parking lot. I guess we're leaving? Jimin was lost in his own thoughts. Should I say something?

"YAH! Taehyung will kill you! You can't leave!" Jungkook called, chasing after us as we strode further away from the building. He's so annoying... Why can't he mind his own business?! Just then, I felt a firm grip around my wrist. Jungkook quickly pulled me towards him.

"Let her go," Jimin gritted, darkly darting Jungkook a dull expression.

"Why should I? You can't-"

"Fucking let go of her!" Jimin growled, shoving Jungkook away from me. I stared at him in shock. He's mad at Jungkook... is he upset? Suddenly? Why???

"How dare you-!"

"Don't you fucking touch me!" Jimin sneered, causing Jungkook to frown at the alpha's unexpected mood shift. This side of Jimin... is scary. Jungkook is clearly taken aback by Jimin's reaction. [Edited]

"Don't you fucking touch me!" Jimin snarls angrily at Jungkook when Jungkook grits at him. This side of Jimin... is scary... Jungkook was clearly taken aback by Jimin's reaction.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY ARE YOU INTERFERING?!" Jungkook roared furiously at Jimin, who didn't even flinch at Jungkook's harsh tone. He stood staring at Jungkook, dead in the eyes.

"What's wrong with me...? Hah-" Jimin scoffed while shaking his head... rudely rolling his eyes at Jungkook. Jimin's response probably angered Jungkook because Jungkook suddenly launched at Jimin... thrusting him into one of the parked cars. Shit shit... What do I do..??!

"GET OFF ME!" Jimin gritted, shoving Jungkook with all his might. Jungkook stumbled backward before tripping on a rock. He suddenly lost his balance and fell hard onto the rough ground. Oh no... they shouldn't be fighting...

Survival | JJK / KTH / PJM | BTS FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now