He grunts but sends me a small smile.

I turn back around and Luke's face changes from happy to serious. He puts a smile back on his face, but it seems forced, "So, how did you like your classes?"

"I liked them for the most part," I tell him.

"Well, if you don't like any of them, like your Study Hall for example, we can help you switch if you want," he laughs awkwardly at the end.

I raise an eyebrow at this. He just so happens to suggest the one class I would change on his first guess. The fact that we are even having this conversation is slightly suspicious enough.

I turn to North, who is glaring at Luke over my head. When he notices my curious glance he quickly stops glaring but just shrugs nonchalantly.

I turn back to Luke, "Why would I want to switch my Study Hall?"

Luke's fake grin seems to be splitting his face at this point, "I don't know. Why would you want to switch your Study Hall?"

When I just stare at him, his face drops, "Alright, we just noticed you were kinda freaked out after Study Hall yesterday and figured it had to do with something that particular class. We can get it done by the end of the day if something about it bothered you."

That makes sense. North did notice something yesterday even though I tried to hide it. But, I'm no good at hiding things, so it makes sense that the others noticed too.

I grin, "That would actually be great. Thank you guys. But is there another Study Hall I can switch to?"

Before he can respond, the teacher tells everyone to quiet down.

Luke winks at me and whispers, "Don't worry, we'll figure something out."

I feel assured and happy at his words. If I can avoid Mr. McCoy this year, then I can make the school year without any incidents.

The rest of the school day goes by smoothly, for the most part, up until the last period of the day.

Nathan wasn't in class and when I asked the others why, they told me he is sick.

Nothing terrible happened in Study Hall. I watched and waited as other students filled the room before entering myself. Other than the looks from Mr. McCoy and Greg, it was pretty uneventful.

Lunch was nice with the boys and Luke informed me that I would be given permission during Gym to go change my schedule. This Mr. Blackbourne informed my Gym teacher that I would be going to his room to change my schedule. All I would have to do is check in with my teacher, I guess to assure that I was where I was supposed to be.

Japanese went well. It might be my favorite class.

Gym is when things went haywire, to say the least. Or at least, the time period of Gym class where I was supposed to meet this Mr. Blackbourne.

I just finished checking in with my Gym teacher to assure her I was going to be where Mr. Blackbourne said I would be, when I hear it.

"Hey faggot! Where you going in such a hurry?," the voice reverberates through the hall.

Normally, this would be the point that I duck my head and run in the opposite direction. But this guy's words make me angry.

I may not know a lot of things, but I know what that word means and I don't like it. Who cares about who somebody loves? There's so much evil in this world. Love is a beautiful thing. Why would anybody want to defile it with the very thing that makes up a lot of this world's evil? Hate.

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