Twisted Storms

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Finished - September 12, 2019

Word Count - 2194

Music - Two Steps From Hell - The Last Stand

Natsu, Lucy and Happy are on their way back to the guild when a tornado hits the small town of Shula. Lucy has gone out to find Natsu, but he has already returned back to the hotel! Natsu must find Lucy before the storm gets too rough!


Scribbling away at her paper, the small girl failed to notice the slight dimming of her room. Its natural sunlight slowly waining, as the clouds moved in. Lucy squinted her eyes, realizing she could barely see the ink upon its rough surface. Turning her attention to the window, she took note of the gray skies and sighed.

Dropping her pen she stretched and waltzed closer to the glassy frame. The Hotel receptionist was kind enough to give her a room with a decent view. Shula, a smaller city with a flat landscape and golden grasslands. Natsu, Happy and herself had finished a mission just outside the town and were now on their way back to the Guild.

Searching the streets below for pink, she did not see Natsu. He and Happy had left about an hour ago to get them something to eat, knowing Natsu; he probably ate it all and forgot all about her hunger.

Lucy shook her head in dismay, realizing that is exactly what happened. She was about to leave when lighting flashed through the sky, the briliant light disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. She stared into the barren clouds in awe, when a great noise boomed from above. Boisterous thunder echoed throughout the city of Shula. Following the huge noise of rain crashed down upon every street and roof in sight.

The girl was amazed by the sudden change of weather, there was not a cloud in sight even ten minutes ago!

As the storm grew, her anticipation for her partners return multiplied. Water pelted her windows, winds caused the walls to groan and the thunder drew closer every minute.

Where was he? Did he get stuck in the storm? Is he alright? Questions flooded Lucy's mind, needing to be answered.

Finally, tired of sitting around waiting for him to magically arrive, she decided to take action. She was going out and looking for him!

Lucy, grabbed her coat, hat and boots. Double checked that she had her Room key and locked the door behind her. Running down the hallway, into the Reception she passed the front desk. The same man that had checked them in called out to her, his face looked distressed.

"Ma'am! Where are you going?" The receptionist tried to grab her attention. Yet, she was in too much of a hurry to find Natsu and Happy to stop and listen.

"I must go and find my friends, I'll be back." She shouted back to him, rushing out the door and into the wicked storm.


Natsu was in big trouble! Not only was he super late, but the stupid rain soiled Lucy's food. She was going to be pissed when she found out!

Preparing for the worst of Lucy's wrath he and Happy continued their hasty journey back to the Hotel. As the boys traveled, the winds picked up and Happy could no longer fight the current. The cat forced to walk, but even that proved too hard for his small body mass and ended up taking refuge in Natsu's vest from the heavy showers.

Even Natsu seemed to struggle against the harsh gusts, an arm covering his eyes that he might be able to see. Though nothing he did proved helpful. he mostly relied on memory, tracing his steps to where the Hotel would be. Using his instinct to find his way back to safety.

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