Defender of All Universes

Start from the beginning

The Green Lion shot a laser which caused Lotor to fly away from the deadly ray.

Pidge continued to fire as Lotor evaded every shot, but then he got bold.

He blocked the laser with his twin swords and flew closer to us. Our blades clashed again, and more of my power was strained.

Just then, as we spun around to launch another attack, he smacked his metallic tail into the head.

I screamed in pain with everyone else as we were pushed back.

"We can't touch him. He's too fast." Pidge said.

"We need to stop him from moving around, back him into a corner or something." Hunk suggested.

"Hunk is right. We have to eliminate his speed advantage." Keith agreed.

I hummed in thought before an idea came to mind as I looked towards a curved rock nearby.

"Guys, maneuver Lotor towards that rock over there." I said directing the others towards said rock.

"Great idea, Zurine." Keith praised. Voltrom flew towards the rock, luring Lotor close as our plan was in progress.

We stood in front of the rock and waited for our shot.

Lotor took his immediately, firing his laser as we formed our shield. We were pushed back into the rock as the laser let up, but even as Lotor stopped his attack, we kept our shield up.

However, due to the curvature of the rock, Lotor couldn't find any blind spots to hit us with.

With no other choice, Lotor flew straight for us.

"Wait for him." Keith said, "Let him build up speed."

He came closer and closer, Lotor's sword pointed at us ready to pierce through us.

"Now!" Keith shouted. Voltron moved just as Lotor was about to hit us.

He crashed into the rock and we took the advantage, flying behind him when he was distracted and taking our shot.

I pushed as much power as I could into this shot without hurting me in the process.

The asteroid crumbled as Lotor tried to push back, but the shot was too much. The laser we fired shot straight through the asteroid, but when the dust cleared Lotor was nowhere to be seen near the asteroid.

"Where'd he go?" Hunk asked.

"He's behind us!" Pidge screamed.

"Hunk, hit him with the shoulder cannon." Keith shouted.

Hunk did as told, arming Voltron with the shoulder cannon and charging it up.


The shot sailed through space towards Voltron but when it was about to hit its target, Lotor disappeared in a wave of light.

I gasped in shock, confused like everyone else, but my shocked gasp turned to groans of pain.

I took my hands off my controls and grabbed my head and chest in pain. My heart was beating at an abnormal rate, my head feeling like it's about to burst.

"Did we get him?" Lance asked.

"I don't know." Hunk replied.

"I think we got him." Lance said happily.

"It looked like he just disappeared." Pidge said.

"Yeah! We got him."

"Wait, something is wrong." Allura said, "Can any of you feel the white lion?"

The White Lion PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now