Chapter 2

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So, new update. I hope you guys like it!
Emiko's POV

I woke up and all I could see was the ceiling. I sat up in a bed and looked around the room. It was really pretty, the walls were painted dark blue and the most of the furniture were white. A man came in, he his hair was tied up in a pony tail and he wore glasses.

"Ahh. You are awake." He spoke to me calmly

"Um.. who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Cross Kaien, I brought you here. You seemed badly injured and you were out in the snow, laying there. Luckily, I stopped by and tended your wounds. What is your name?" He said.

"...." I hesistated for a moment.

"E-Emiko. Emiko Kuran." I said, finally having the courage to say so. I looked at him and he had a stunned face.

"A Kuran? Why on Earth would you be away from your Manor?" He asked, curiously.

"..I ran away. Please don't take me back! I'll do anything!" I begged.

My eyes started to get watery, and all he did was pat my head and say, "I'm not particularly sure about keeping a Pureblood vampire here, especially a Kuran, but if something had happened and if that is your wish then I'll let you stay here."

"Thank you so much!" I squealed, happily.


After I finally fit into my new home, disaster strucked. Well, I'd call that anyway. Yuuki my so called sister got adopted by Kaien. She looks more human now, her hair is still short though but that was the only thing that was differs her from her other self. Her rotten attitude and fake innocent personality is still the same.

Ever since I heard Juri-sama and Haruka-sama had passed on, I had to admit that I was shocked. I felt no sympathy though, even if they were my parents.

Kaien explained to me that Juri-sama used her life to turn Yuki into a human. Hmph, I bet she wouldn't do that for me.

Father died because he was killed by uncle. Other than that simple line, I knew nothing else.

I heard that someone dropped Yuki off and left her in Cross's hands to take care, of course it had to be that hateful man. But why here? Why couldn't it be somewhere else? Like somewhere, where I would never have to see her?

I didn't want her living with me. I hate her!

But no matter how hard I try to persuade Kaien, he would say, "But.. she's my new daughter! How could you do this to me?!" And burst into these fat tears. Well that was Kaien being Kaien.

I finally made a decision that if she's going to live with us no matter what, I'll give her the silent treatment and cold shoulder.

Now, back to where we were from 2 weeks on.

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge to see if there's anything to eat. The doorbell suddenly rang and I quickly made my way to the door. Luckily, my wounds healed so now I'm in ship shape.

It must've been Kaien who kept repeatedly ring the bell.

A tick mark appeared on my face and I open the door with force, "Kaien Cross, be a little patient would you—" I trailed off, as I saw a boy with white hair and blood all over his shoulders and neck and regained my composure.

He was looking down, so I couldn't see expression but I knew that he was holding in hatred and anger from his clench fists and trembling shoulders.

Kaien appeared out of no where and walked up to us, "Ah, this is Zero. His family was attacked by a Pureblood. Parents were killed and his brother is missing. Please help clean him up, Emiko. Take him to the bathroom." He said, in a serious voice.

I nod and helped Zero inside.

We walked upstairs and into the bathroom. I sat him down onto the bathroom floor, grabbed a wet cloth and kneeled down on both of my knees to dab the wound on his neck. He flinched. I must've hit a nerve.

He grabbed my hand roughly and looked up at me with hatred. "Pureblood." He said, words dripping with venom.

"Yes, yes. I know. You can kill me later, just let me clean you up." I said, worriedly. He widened his eyes at me with confusion.

"Why do you care? I'm just this pathetic lonely boy who some vampire killed his family and took away his brother. I don't need pity from the likes of you, Pureblood." He stated.

"You know," I started, "So many of us are fighting the same exact battle alongside you. We are all in this together. So no matter how embarrassed or pathetic you feel about your own situation, know that there are others out there experiencing the same emotions. When you hear yourself say, I'm all alone it's just your worried mind trying to sell you a lie. There's always someone who can relate to you. Perhaps you can't immediately talk to them, but they are out there, and that's all you need to know right now. Why do I care? My parent's hate me because I have the eyes of a monster and someone I once love left me for my sister." I say, muttering the last bit hatefully.

Silence filled the room while I was trying to get the blood off of him. I could feel his eyes on me and whenever I look up at him, he'd turn away with a tint of pink on his cheeks. I had to admit, it was pretty cute.

Yuki suddenly walked in and it seemed that her eyes widened.

"Oh, Emiko-Chan, what are you doing? Who is that? Why is there blood on him?" She said, throwing so many questions at me it that it annoyed the hell out of me.

"Go away." I said, my bangs covered my eyes casting a shadow underneath.

"O-Okay.." She said, saying her words with a little sadness and running out of the bathroom.

"Weren't you being a bit harsh?" Zero spoke.

"I don't care if she's hurt. As long as she stays out of my life, I wouldn't be bothered being nice to her." I replied, venom dripping off of my words.

"Ah, That's right! I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Emiko Kuran. I'm seven years old! You're Zero, right?" I asked, suddenly changing my emotions. I think I'm bi-polar, gah!

He nodded slowly, "Emiko? Then, can I call you Miko?" He asked.

"Sure!" I replied, smiling widely at him.

{Kaname's P.O.V}

These past two weeks, I couldn't sleep without knowing where Emiko is right now. She's still alive, I could sense her presence. I miss her so much. Every day, I wouldn't stop thinking about her.

I've also sent a search party but their results had no evidence that Emiko could be at a specific location. Our parents are already dead by now because of Rido, and I've sent Yuki to Kaien for her safety.

There was a knock on the door and it opened, "We found her. And she is closer than you think." Takuma said, looking at me as he continued. "Kaien is her current guardian. Would you like me to send people to get her?"

I thought for a moment. Was I really ready to see her? What would she do? How would she react?

"No. I will observe her from the shadows. Carry on with whatever you were doing, Takuma. You are dismissed."


See you next time!

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