Chapter 34

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** please play song when told
Opening by anime called Comet Lucifer!
Third Person's POV

Every single noble in the crowd surrounding Emiko, Kaname and Yuki were watching intensely, wanting to know what would happen next. They watched as Emiko brought her hands up to her head and pressed her palms against it as she groaned loudly in pain.

Wine cups abruptly breaking into a million of pieces and the windows and walls formed cracks.

"Emiko!" Juuri, their mother, yelled as she hastily pushed through the crowd to come to his daughters aid. She dropped to knees and grabbed Emiko's face to examine any wounds where she realised there was blood pouring down the side of her face, down past her temples.

"Oh goodness.." Haruka gasped who had followed his wife through the crowd and stood behind her. He then glanced over to Yuki who was standing there not knowing to do and then glanced to the crowd, deciding to disperse them.

"She just an open wound on the side of her head, it will heal. Please continue with the event!" Haruka assured, waved his hand and with that, the crowd dispersed after giving the small injured girl a look of concern. In the back of his mind he knew something was wrong other than the cut.

Kaname took this chance to pull his arms under her legs and around her wait and lifted Emiko up in his arms with ease.

"Juuri-sama, Haruka-sama, please excuse us. I'll be taking Emiko outside for some air." Kaname said, looking at the two of them.

"Yes, do that. Please make sure she is alright." Answered Juuri who had a worried expression on her face.

Kaname nodded, shooting Yuki a disappointed look his face just before he turned to make his leave. Yuki caught his expression and only looked down and fiddled with her hands. Kaname decided to leave her for Juuri and Haruka to deal with.

Emiko leaned her head against Kaname's chest, her body almost shaking and her tired eyes were glowing a beautiful red as her head continued to ache. It was a throbbing, stabbing pain.

She was able to hear whispered conversations that tend to cut off short and moved onto the next. How was she hearing all of this? What was happening to her?

She suddenly squirmed, surprising Kaname a bit. She kicked her legs and pushed her body about.

"Just where were you?!" She heard a man's voice say. Something about it seemed so familiar.

"I went to see Lilly. I was bored, she was lonely so I thought I'd pay her a visit." Who was this now? It was a female voice this time that almost sounded like..

"No! No!" Emiko abruptly yelled, starting to kick her legs harder and squirm even more.

"Emiko! Stop—" Kaname's voice was blocked out, replaced by the two voices once again.

"I.. love.. you." It was the girl again. It was.. It was her voice, her own voice.

"NO!" Emiko finally screamed, trying to stop the pain as pictures and images flew into her mind.

Suddenly a spark, then a burst of flame pushed right out of Emiko's body as it travelled up high enough in the air. It exploded, making a loud sound before the night sky formed its cracks.

It broke into a large pieces and fell down. Emiko opened her eyes, to find that the trees were not trees at all. That the manor was not a manor at all and that this whole world was not a world.

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