Chapter 13

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Kaname's POV

I bit her neck and wrapped my arms around her small waist, tightening it as I drank from her sweet blood.

Though my my beloved had fallen into her slumber, she whimpered. Her body was slowly weakening. I needed take a large amount of blood for this process to work. Then I would need to inject her with my venom.

I followed through my steps during the few 5 minutes. When I was done, I retracted my fangs from her neck. A trail of blood flowed down her neck and I licked the remaining blood up. Carefully as possible, I lifted her up from the bed and used to my telepathy to open the door. I headed out of the room when I was stopped by the one and only Kain.

"Is there something you need, Akatsuki?" I asked calmly as he stared intently at Emiko.

No-one is allowed to look at her, she's mine. I growled in my thoughts as I glared at the Aristocrat.

"What did you do to her?" He said, no demanded. How dare he.

"That is none of your concern, move out of my way Aristocrat."

When he didn't move, I glared at him with my red glowing eyes. He bowed, submitted and defeated and moved out of the way. I pushed past him and went to farthest end of the hall. There was a room hidden by the shadows and it only allowed to me. I decided to place her in that room so that no-one can touch, see or speak to her and she will forever remain in this place protected. The only time she will be released is when I kill Rido myself.

Carrying the fragile girl I had in my arms, I stepped into the room. The walls were painted a dark crimson colour and the floor was a almost black wooden floor. There were to small desks, in the colour matched the floor, on both sides of the queen sized bed. There were no windows but I decided to add a bookshelf to occupy Emiko once she awoken and a light stand so the room didn't seem so dark.

I walked over to her new bed and placed her down on it, making sure to drape a blanket over her as I then turn to make my way out after placing a kiss on her forehead. With a snap of my fingers, a click-clank sound was heard. Perfect.

Emiko's POV

My eyes adjusted itself against the blurriness I see. I found myself looking at the ceiling. Where am I? I thought, lazily sitting up against the headboard. How long had I been out? I don't remember what happened. Something cold was wrapped around my right foot and I looked down to check it out. Why am I wearing a chain?

When I tried breaking the chain loose, it was completely useless. The chain was pretty long, but I know it restricted me from getting too far. Where was I going to go anyway, it's not like there's some escape route in the room. It was just walls I could see, no windows nor doors. Suddenly, my head ached. Memories of the events which happened a moment ago flashed back.

One word.


Why was he trying to do? Kill me? Yea right, it'd have to take decades before that happens. Zero must be worried sick looking for me.. What am I going to do?

A bright light flashed through the room, I covered my eyes with my backhand.

"Ah, so you are awake, Emiko." A familiar voice rung out.

Uncovering my eyes, I looked over to see Kaname leaning against the wall with a blank face.

"What do you want? Why have you brought me here? How long have I been out?!" I yelled, echoes bouncing off the walls.

He spoke calmly, "You were out for 3 days now. I apologise, but this is all for your own safety. I don't want anything to happen to you when Rido awakens."

"Rido? Uncle Rido? What does he have to do with anything?"

"Listen Emiko, when you fell out of your window and made a sudden disappearance, I really did try my best to look for you. During that time, Rido arrived at our manor wanting Yuuki. Juri-sama and Haruka-sama both had died that day. There was nothing left of the Kurans except you, Yuuki and I so I brought Yuuki to cross academy. Her memories are erased and so is her human form. Rido won't be able to detect her but he will detect you."

I growled in response and lunged at him. Being the forgetful person I am, I wasn't able to reach him due to my restrictions.

"You think you can just lock me up in here just because you think that I won't be able to protect myself?! Think again, pretty boy! You can't keep me here forever!" I screamed. I'm pretty sure someone on the other side had heard me.

Suddenly there was a big crack forming on the wall. This was not my doing it seems to be someone elses. The crack was enlarging itself and then a hand plunged though it whilst I flinched.

"Argh no! He is ruining my plans! I will have to deal with him later. I will see you again, my Emiko. Farewell." Kaname stated and disappeared in thin air.

The hand pulled back and with one sudden forceful movement, the whole wall was knocked down. It revealed a very tired look Zero. He had messy hair and bags under his eyes. He had held a gun in his hands which were now retreated into his pocket. Once his beautiful lilac eyes sighted on me, he rushed to me and practically bear hugged me.

"I finally found you.. I'm so damn glad you're safe." His breath warmed my ear and my cheeks grew red.

"I-I'm fine now, Z-" Being cut off, Zero placed his lips against my and kissed me deeply. It was a slow yet passionate kiss but after our moment we pulled away breathlessly.

"Wow," He breathed, I nodded shyly in response.


My leg was free my the chain with Zero's help. He lifted me off the bed and carried my bridal style out of the dark room into the Moon Dormitory halls.



"I love you."

"I love you to the moon and back."



See you next time.

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