Chapter 31

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Emiko's POV

"What are you doing here?" I heard Zero angrily ask. I looked up, thinking it was me who he was talking to but as I glance at his eyes, they were casted directly behind me with a menacing glare full of hate and fury.

He stepped forward as Ichiru copied him. Both brothers stood before each other and glared.

I held onto Zero's arm to prevent him from doing anything else. "He helped me, Zero." I stated, staring up into his lilac eyes.

"Helped you?" He removed his gazed towards me and gave me a questioning look.

I nodded, "He killed Shizuka and earned my trust."

Zero looked at his brother and then looked away. Ichiru stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I guess with twins not seeing each other for years did a great toll on them. They're basically like strangers now.

Zero wasn't happy but he was glad I was safe.

I needed to get them together somehow. I wanted them to sort things between them that were left well.. unsorted.

"Come on, Zero, don't you think that the both of you should clear things up? You haven't spoken to him in years." I said in a calming voice.

"He is a traitor." Zero growled.

"Well if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be in this position right now!" Ichiru exclaimed, stepping forward.

"How is this my fault?! You were the one you ran away with a stranger who killed our parents!" Zero stepped forward as well.

"Of course it was your fault! You just always had to be the favoured twin, the stronger one whilst I was stuck in a weak body. I couldn't even hunt!"

"I didn't ask to be stronger now did I!"

"Boys, enough! You are bickering like children, calm yourselves this instance!" I yelled, silencing them.

Zero mumbled incoherent words under his breath and turned, walking away. I reached out to grab his arm and but someone pulled me back. I turned my head and saw a familiar blondie.

"Hanabusa?" I mumbled.

"He's alright, just needs to blow out some steam." Answer Hanabusa.

I look behind him to see the Night Class Aristocrats standing behind him as well as Kaname who was walking towards me. He reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into his hard chest.

"Thank God you are alright." I hear Kaname softly whisper into my ear. How many years had it been since I was this close to him?

I shook my head and pushed him gently away. It wasn't hard enough for him to stumble back but he knew I was uncomfortable and he let go of me. Once he had had cleared his throat, he stepped back.

"Hang on a minute, I thought Zero had left! When did he come back?!" Hanabusa sweatdropped, looking at Ichiru.

"No, Hanabusa, he's Ichiru. He is Zero's..twin brother." I implied, hearing Aido gasped dramatically.

"Zero is a twin?!" Yelled Aido only to get his head slapped by Ruka.

"Lower your voice you idiot. You're in the presence of Lord Kaname and Lady Emiko." 

"O-Oh sorry, please forgive me."

I turned to look at Ichiru and walked slowly up to him. I took his hands in a friendly manner and said, "Why don't you reside at Cross Academy for now? I know it isn't place you want to go to, but for now it is only temporary until to find a different place. So how about it?"

Ichiru glanced our hands and slowly moved his eyes up to see my smile. "I-I guess.."

"Then it is settled!"


Several minutes later, Zero had came back and had finally calmed himself down. We all settle ourselves into two large black vans. Here was the seating plan:

In the first van, Kaname and I were seated in the middle, the Twins were seated at the back but leaving a huge gap between them and Takuma was seated in the passenger seat next to the driver.

In the second, Rima and Senri were seated in the back. Akatsuki and Ruka in the middle and Aido in the passenger.

Anyways, everything was awkward. The air was so tense and Takuma seemed to be the only one trying to get us to all talk but failing. We were only giving short replies or don't answer at all. It had been this way for the past hour.

I was staring out of the window with a bored expression when I heard Kaname's voice in my head.

It's been a while since we last sat next to each other. He said.

I looked my away from the window and glanced over at him. I caught him staring at me and I quickly looked away from him. I decided not to answer.

What I told you was the truth. Emiko.. I loved you will all my heart and I still do. You don't even know how much it pained me when I saw you fall out of that window on that terrible night. He continued.

My flashbacks started and I closed my eyes to make them disappear. I didn't want to remember that anymore.

I should have denied the proposal, I should have caught you when you fell. I should have— I decided to to cut him off.

Things happen for a reason. So if you were to go back and erased all of that, I would have never met Zero. By the fact I announced, I knew Kaname was hurt by my words and he kept quiet for a few minutes until he said something that surprised me.

I could erase it now.. His voice was almost inaudible in my head.

What do you mean? I was confused.

I could stop all of it.. I could restart again. He replied.

It was like he was talking to himself and that was what scared me the most. Kaname, what are you saying?

I'm sorry, Emiko. But this is the only option I could get you back to my side. I turned my body and looked at him directly with narrowed eyes.

Wait Kaname—

Emiko.. Let's start over again.

From his last sentence, a beam of white light had filled the car I covered my eyes from how bright the light was before hearing a ringing of a bell near my ears.


Ooohhhh what happened?

Sorry it took so long to write. Got writers block and all that shit but I finally have a great idea and I'm so excited to plant this idea in the next chapter!

See you soon!

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