Chapter 15

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Emiko's POV

I was woken up by the birds chirping loudly as if they were singing a song. I grumbled and rolled out of bed, only for my face to hit the floor.

"Ugh, stupid floor!" I yelled in frustration and scrambled to my bare feet.

"What a surprise.. I see you have made an enemy." A familiar rung through my ears.

Swiftly turning around, I see Kaname leaning against the wall. I narrowed my reddish-brown eyes and growled at him.

"What do you want?"

"To see my bride."

"I am not your bride! I'm Zero's bride and his only bride!"

My response angered Kaname, I read fury and pain in his eyes though he masked a stoic expression on his face. He disappeared to only appear in front of me. I let out a gasp, and my back hit the wall. How dare he!

"Just what is wrong with you?!" I coughed out a little of blood.

"That is for mentioning his name!" He answered, now kneeling down to me and grabbing my face. He smushed my cheeks together and closed in on me. No!

Using all of my strength, I pushed him away as hard as I could. I carefully got up onto my feet and stumbled to the door. Just as I was about to turn the handle, Kaname grabbed me by the waist and roughly turned me away from it.

"Stop running from me.." He whispered into my ear before digging his face into my neck and smelling my scent deeply.

I felt his tongue sliding along my bare neck.

"Don't you dare!" I exclaimed, squirming in Kaname's arms.

When he lost his grip on me, I immediately scramble to my feet and ran towards the wooden door. Successfully swinging it open, I dashed outside into the dorm halls.

The Day Class students, who were there chatting with friends, all turned their head towards me to see what was happening but I ignored them all and made a move to push past all of them. I wanted to escape.. he was going to mark me so I would be bound to him forever and hell no am I going to let that happen.

I need to find Zero.. oh! That's right, I'll go to his room. I'm sure he isn't awake right now but he'll protect me even if its just his presence. You see, even though the aura around Zero can be intimidating, it actually tends to calm me down. It makes me feel safe and protected.

The moment I was away from the students, I used my speed and as quick as lightning, I bolted just right in front of Zero's room. I didn't care to knock when I barged into his room. Surprisingly, Zero was awake. He was shirtless and small droplets on his bare chest. Oops..

"E-Emiko? What are you doing-"

My baby didn't have time to finish his sentence when I embraced him. My body was shaking furiously and tears were pouring down my pink cheeks. I felt his body tense but after a few seconds, he had relaxed and he wrapped his big arms around my tiny frame.

"Emiko? Emiko, look at me." He said softly.

I slowly let go of him, my face hidden down so that he wouldn't see me. I was still in my night gown so I was a bit embarrassed but that was not the case. Zero's hands caressed my face and he turned it so I was looking at him.

"What happened?" He asked slowly.

"..K-Kaname..he.." I burst into tears and wailed like a kid.

Zero's POV

Ah..shit. W-What should I do? How do we comfort some crying. Dammit, I should've accepted the book Cross gave me. Things to do to your girlfriend, yes. It's to. I-I'm sure it had a comfort chapter hidden in the contents. The front cover was quite.. inappropriate.

Right! I'll try to be cute. I'm sure she'll stop crying then.

I stiffly hugged Emiko again and whispered, "I-It's alright Miko! Zero is here! Zero will always try and protect Miko no matter what!"

It worked! Her tears were all gone and she had stopped crying. I tightened my arms around her, only hearing her sniffle. When she calmed down, I let go of her and she turned to look up at me. Despite her puffy red eyes, she smiled ever so brightly at me. She's beautiful when she smiled like that. To have her as my girlfriend..

I really am a lucky guy.


After exiting my room, I followed Emiko over to her own just in case that Kaname motherfûcking Kuran decides to show up again. Miko explained everything that had happened a few moments ago. I was certainly angered by this. She had to hold me back so I wouldn't go over directly to the Night Dorms just to rip his throat out.

I stood outside her room, waiting for her to change. We still had enough time to make it to class without getting a late slip. Emiko finally opened the door. I looked to see her wearing the Day Class uniform and I smiled to myself. She had always looked good in it.

"Lets go." She said, as I nodded and intertwined my hand with hers. We happily walking towards our first class.

When we entered the classroom, my eyes widened. Yagari Toga is our new teacher?!

Miko hadn't noticed that he was glaring at the both of us as she looked for some seats. Yuuki waved her hand in the air and seeing that there were some spaces near her, Miko quietly towards her. I hadn't taken my mind off of the hunter standing before us as he took our role.

Has he showed up to kill me?

"Yuuki Cross?"


"Emiko Cr-"


Toga sopped for a moment and eyed Emiko suspiciously before continuing the role. He must know something about her.

"Ne, Ne. Emiko-chan, I heard from Headmaster that he's a hunter. But I find it weird of why he would be taking over as relief instead of hunting. And because of his occupation, I wonder why Father allowed such a man to enter the school.." Yuuki wondered.

"He's an old acquaintance of the Headmaster, besides.. he was my old teacher. He taught me to hunt before I became..well this." I answered.

"Yea, Headmaster talked a lot about him when we were younger too." Emiko said, yawning.

"Ehhh?~ How come I didn't know?" Yuuki whined.

"You always fall asleep, Idiot."

See you next time!

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