Chapter 25

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Emiko's POV

"No," I said, simply.

"No?" Kaname repeated.

"I—I know that he'll be hurt if I get close to him, but I want to protect him Kaname. Even if I have to do it afar, I want to protect him."

Kaname sighed, "If that is what you wish."

This is my only chance. He had protected me before and this time, I'll do the same for him. It'll be a hard process though, knowing it was going to be tremendously torturous being away from him as well as witness him happy with Yuki. It'll hurt me but in the end, it'll be worth and he'll stay happy. That is my only wish.

I've not giving up on Zero. Not now, not ever. But I have to bite my tongue from today onwards knowing he has amnesia. He would not be better off with Yuki (who almost killed him), but Zero doesn't believe me. He believes her and as I much I hate it, I respect Zero's wishes. Even if he doesn't remember me.

"Here is your uniform." Kaname dipped his hand into the bag and pulled out the uniform. I was going to wear that from now on. No more black uniforms, no more prefect duties. Just a white uniform and an unhappy heart.

I gently took the uniform from his grasps as Kaname walked out of the room for my privacy, closing the door behind him. I unbuttoned my blouse and took it off, realising that the black veins had disappeared.

"What do you mean, what? You almost killed yourself, you idiot!" I reminisce Kain's words. I still cannot believe I almost did that.

I sighed and put my new white uniform on, going up to the mirror with the perfect frame and looking at my reflection as I fixed my collar and my tie. Okay, Emiko. Starting from today, you are Emiko Kuran from the Night Class. I chanted to myself nervously.

I fixed my hair, adding texture. Then I looked my eyes. Disgusting. I wanted to claw it out. I shook my head out of that chaotic trance and pulled my socks up as well as slipping into my shoes.

I walked over and grabbed the knob, twisting it and swing it open, the bright lights shining in my face.

Starting from today, you are Emiko Kuran from the Night Class.

Zero's POV

I scratched my head and forced a laugh. I felt extremely uncomfortable and started to rethink the whole, I'm-your-girlfriend situation with the encounter of that different coloured eye goddess.

Was what she saying true? Or is it just like what Yuki had said, she was the liar?

"—And anyways, that's how we met!" Yuki completed her sentence, in which I zoned out. Her eyes twitched a little and her knee bobbed up and down, it was as if she was nervous.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked, seeing her sweat beads.

That's funny, it's pretty windy outside.

"Y—Yea! Of course! Why wouldn't I be? Just fine!" Her words were jumbled up and she spoke extremely fast.

"Who was that Emiko girl?" I questioned, curious.

"Oh her," Yuki's face turned to disgust, "She just someone trying to get attention. Don't worry about her."

I narrowed my eyes. Emiko's posture seemed confident when she stated that she was my girlfriend whilst Yuki's was hunched over slightly and her body language told me otherwise.

Was Emiko telling the truth? Or is it just me and I'm just mistaking it?

"Oh my gosh! It's time already?!
Sorry, Zero. Be right back! I have prefect duties to attend to." Yuki rushed out before I could even confront her. Maybe my suspicions are getting out of hand and I'm doubting the wrong person.

Or maybe I'm not. Who the hell attends prefect duties when their boyfriend is injured here?

The only way to figure who is telling the truth is by getting the matters into my hand. Starting from now. I would need to speak with Emiko and question her, that is my number one priority. I needed to get my memories back asap.

I quickly shot out from my bed, ignoring the burning pain from my back. I threw the blankets off of me and swung the door open and heading out.

A few minutes later after following the sound of screaming girls, I landed myself at the back of the crowd of irritating girls. Dammit!

I managed to see Yuki, attempting to push the girls back but she failed. I almost laughed, but I bit my lip holding it back.

Suddenly the hates swung open and out came a group of students wearing white uniforms. The screams got louder, by the time I get out of here I would be deaf. Then I realised something, she was here! She was walking in the middle of a flirty blonde guy and an fiery-haired guy.

She was very beautiful. I looked at her uniform. She wasn't wearing her black one anymore, which was strange. The scrams died down a bit and they were full of gasps.

"Oh my gosh, is that..?" I heard one of the girls whisper.

"Yes, I heard she got moved out and into the Night Class. She's so lucky!"

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around seeing a small group of girls looking up at me in admiration.

"Um! I just wanted to say that—um.." The girl played with her fingers, nervously.

Her friends bumped their elbows and whispered to her, "Pssst! Sakiko just say it!"

"I just wanted to say that—" The girl stalled once more before opening her mouth to speak, "YOU AND HER ARE OTP! GOODBYE!"

The girl ran away with her group of friends leaving me confused. Me and who?

I shook my head and sighed, glancing back at the beauty and realising that she was looking at me. It felt like the world froze and it was just the two of is. My heart beat quickened. But it had only lasted for ten seconds before pain filled her eyes and she dropped her gaze to the floor, quickly hurrying away with her classmates.

I needed to set things straight. No matter what, I needed to have a chat with her and to why I'm so drawn to her.


Sorry for the boring chapter today!

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