Chapter 20

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Emiko's POV

It was the start of a new day, I was just hanging with Lily and Zero in the stables right now during our break.

"Ne Zero, don't you think Yuuki has been acting strange ever since this morning?" I questioned.

"She seemed fine to me, always annoying as usual." He answered simply as he rested against the wall.

"Yea..but still." I mumbled. She had been constantly bugging me, always getting in between Zero and I when we are talking and sometimes pushing me out the way.

Who does she think she is?

During class time, I could feel her eyes burning the back of my head as if she were glaring at me. I mean, that's my job. She would nag and whine everytime Zero said no to her requests. I was watching her the whole time. Yep. Watching how she was pressing herself against him and I almost snapped.

This bitch. I told myself.

Even though we've made cookies together and sorta had decent conversations with her doesn't mean I've forgiven her yet. Wait until she regains her memories.. All the things I could do to make her shed more tears that I ever did.

Of course I know all about Yuuki losing her memories and Juri sacrificing herself to save her 'only' child. To be honest, she wasn't worth it.

"Whatever you're worrying about, I promise you that we'll get through this together alright? We just need to remember to hold onto each other as long a possible." I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see Zero move in front of me. His soft lips were then pressed against my own surprising me.

My face flushed red.


Geez Lily.. Excited all of a sudden.

"Baka! What was that?!" I stammered, embarrassed.

"A promise kiss?" He answered innocently. I playfully glared at him and attacked too, kissing him.

We intwined our hands together and left the stables.

The other night, I couldn't forget who'd sent me that letter. The words that were written in it were imprinted in my mind. I would sometimes just try to get my mind off it by hanging with Zero. He makes me forget all of the bad stuff which is why I'm glad he is my boyfriend.

Mariko, huh? Rido is completely out of his mind if he thinks that I'm Mariko. How utterly ridiculous.


Zero's POV

"Will you stop that?" I said through my gritted teeth as I send my darkest glare to Yuuki.

"Huh? Stop what?" Her response pissed me off.

I remembered Miko's words, Ne Zero, don't you think Yuuki has been acting strange ever since this morning?

She was damn strange alright. Miko was right, somethings change about her, and I have a feeling its bad.

She continues to stalk me.. And don't get me started her on whining! Unbelievable. But Zero!~ You promised to eat lunch with me! She had said. Never in a thousand years will I ever eat lunch with her.

Miko specifically made me a bento. I'd be out of my right mind to share something so precious with Yuuki.

"Oh nothing. It's just that I know you're stalking me, you keep on touching me, getting in between conversations with Miko and I. Yea, I'm so fine with all that." Sarcasm lingered in my stern tone.

"Wha.. I never stalked you! O-Or tried to do anything else! Why are you accusing me!"

"Because you should be accused of?"

Her expression turned from happy, to desperate and then to rage. But all those emotions were covered up with narrowed eyes and a glare.

"Look, just leave me be. Fix yourself up and then you can talk to me." I state. I walked away, my hands shoved in my pockets as I head back to my dorms.

{Yuuki's POV}

N-No! He can't walk away like that! I still need to confess to him!

"Chotto matte, Z-" Before I could continue any further, I was suddenly shut silent. A pale hand covered my mouth.

Wh-What? Who is this?!

I squirmed, trying to get out of the person's hold but they didn't let go until Zero had completely gone.

I push out of their hold and turned around. My eyes widened.

There stood Emiko, glaring at me with all her might. Her eyes were glowing the brightest red I had ever seen. Out of nowhere, rain poured down on us, black clouds covering up the beautiful blue sky.

"O-Oh.. Hey Emiko!-"

"Don't greet me like you're my friend."

"What?" I stammered.

Ooh, look here. She basically said you weren't her friend. Doesn't that boil something you?

Of course it does! But.. I've gotten used to the way she treats me..

Keep in mind that she stole Zero from you, didn't she? Someone like her..doesn't deserve Zero, correct?

..I guess you're right.

"Stop playing that innocent act. I know what your intentions are. You think you can split us apart? You think that you can break our relationship so you can gladly take my place?!" The floor rumbled as if there was an earthquake as she yelled.

Look at what she's said to you. This gives you every right to be angry? He was yours first, wasn't he?

"He was mine first!" I screeched, "You were the one coming in between us! You stole everything from me! I thought of you as a sister no matter how cold you would treat me! No matter if your eyes scared me, I still thought of you as my family! So I kept quiet when I saw you and Zero together getting along. I made sure I bottled everything inside so that I wouldn't hurt you!"

That's it.. Tell her how much she wounded you.

"So that you wouldn't hurt me? Don't make laugh," She repeated my words, "You've already done enough."

What was she talking about? I have done nothing to her!

"Ugh! I HATE YOU!" I screamed, whipping out my artemis and extending its length.

Then I lunge at her, attempting to hit her. Suddenly, a hand shot out and I was faced with someone's back. The rod hit them, causing shocks to go through their body, damaging them in the process. A vampire?

I looked up and my eyes widened.

"..Zero?" I heard Emiko's small voice quivered, muffled in his shirt.

See you next time!

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