Chapter 24

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Emiko's POV

My world was falling apart again. It felt like my loved ones were being taken from me all over again. Why does this keep happening to me? Why me? The one I love and the one brought my world back together claims he doesn't know me. He thinks I'm just some jealous girl trying to break a relationship up all because of Yuki's twisted words.

That fucken bitch.

She thinks she can play around just to make me mad and still say she is in love with him. Why one Earth am I sharing her blood?

I stand still, clenching my fists. I hadn't left yet and it had been a few hours since she pushed me out. My legs felt like jelly and I felt like I was going to crumble to bits. Black veins appeared on my hands and I pulled my sleeves up to realise that they were all over my arms. I slid the sleeves down.

He's forgotten you. He'll never remember you. I told myself even though in the back of my mind I didn't want to believe it. Zero's forgotten you.

The grey clouds look they were staying and it seemed like a storm was working up. I look at my reflection the the huge window across the hall. Black veins all over my neck.

I could hear Yuki giggle from behind the door and it angered me. I was furious. I then turned around and was about to barge through the door, my hand getting ready to turn the doorknob until something stopped me. It was Zero's laughter. Hearing him laughing with my worst enemy stabbed a dagger straight through my heart and my hand shook. I curled my fingers in a ball in my palm and my eyes stung.

I turn and ran, not wanting to hear that he was happy without me. Maybe if it weren't for you, he wouldn't be hurt and he wouldn't have amnesia. That voice in my head was right. And the worst thing is, that it was my own voice. But it's not his fault. Rather.. it's your own.

I vanished into thin air and teleported into my room. Pulling off my black uniform jacket and through it on the floor carelessly and pulled off my socks. I untied my tie around my neck slightly and ripped the hair tie out from my hair, letting it drop freely and messily.

I tiredly went to a dark corner of the room and sat down, closing my eyes. Flashbacks came before me and may were of Zero and I.


"Zero, when we grow up can we marry each other?"

"Of course."


"You can't eat too much of those, Miko. You'll have a cavities."

"No I won't because then I would ask you to heal me."


"Baka! What was that?!"

"A promise kiss?"


"I love you."

"I love you to the moon and back."

"Oi! Wake up already!" I hear a voice yelling at me. Their arms around me, attempting to shake me awake. I open my eyes slowly, my blurry vision finally focusing in the person in front of me. Other figures were standing around the room.

I realised it was Akatsuki who was in front of me. I narrowed my eyes in confusion. What were the Night Class doing here?

"Akatsuki?" I said, my voice hoarse. I looked at my surroundings. I wasn't in my room and I was on a bed with a creamy blanket draped over my body. The room was simple but very pretty.

"You idiot! What were you thinking?!" He yelled. I felt a like the younger sibling getting scolded by the older.

"Kain, you—!" Aido was about to intervene but Takuma stopped him.

"Shh, don't interrupt."

I looked at Akatsuki confused. What was I thinking? What did he mean? "What?" I say in a questioned tone. All I did was go to sleep.

"What do you mean, what? You tried killing yourself!" He exclaimed. I gasped, I did what?

"You didn't see the black veins? Those were signs of self destruction." Aido spoke. "We managed to get there in time. Lord Kaname's orders."

I was about to open my mouth to speak but Ruka cut to the chase, "We know who you are, Lady Kuran." Placing a hand on her heart, she bowed along with the other Aristocrats who did the same, including Kain.

"By Lord Kaname's order and Headmaster's permission, we here by announce that you are moved to the Night Class to be protected and to be under surveillance." Takuma announced.

I tried killing myself and didn't even know I was doing it. Now I was being transferred to the Night Class.

The door swung open and the aristocrats bowed respectfully.

"Lord Kaname." They say in sync. He nodded, dismissing them and they all hurried out, closing the door behind them. I didn't want to speak to him now, not after my outburst of my real emotions.

I looked away and hear him speak.

"Emiko, it was for the best." He bluntly said.

"It doesn't mean you can just go off and move me from the—" I was cut off.

"Yes, but like I've said it was for the best. After what you almost did, things had to be decided. I love you Emiko and I'm trying to do my best to help you, to ask for forgiveness after so many years." He stated sincerely.

"I-I'm not ready to forgive you yet." I say as he nodded.

"I know that, and I'll always be waiting for that day to come. Yuki will be staying in that class for the time being until she awakens."

I narrowed my eyes and opened my mouth to speak but Kaname and stopped me.

"Unless you want to see Zero to get hurt again, moving to the Night Class would be the better option. You know that, don't you Emiko? If you do, you'd let him go." He said.

I looked down. I didn't want to let Zero go, ever. But he had gotten hurt because of me. It was my fault that I didn't protect him and he is in this state because of me. All because of me.

I would do anything to protect him.

"So what is your decision, Emiko? Will you let him go?"

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