Chapter 14

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Emiko's POV

It had been 2 week since that incident with Kaname. Each day I'd pray not to bump into him when patrolling. I'm glad I'm in the Day Class even though I am a Pureblood. Kaien thought it would be best if I stayed after I explained what happened before Zero found me.

Talking about Zero, he and I grew closer. We'd sometimes share beds with eachother!

N-Not in that way! I-I only think about that after marriage!

Anyways, today is Valentines Day. I was thinking about making some chocolates for Zero. But that would NEVER work since my cooking is so bad. I guess I'll give it a try after school.

I hopped out from the bathroom after brushing my hair and teeth. I slipped on some stockings and dusted my uniforms for any wrinkles.

Perfect, I thought, as I turned the door knob and left the room. This was going to be an extremely long day.

As I made my way out from the dorms, I immediately bump into Kaien. My eyes widen. He was wearing gardening clothing?! And his hands held those snip-snip things?!

"Are you planning on killing someone, Headmaster?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What? Are you referring to these?" He pointed to the large tool, "Gosh, every person I bumped into this morning had said that. I'm not a dangerous person!"

"Oh that reminds me, Emiko, help me out with these." He shifted to his right and out of nowhere pulled a toolbox full of gardening tools, "Help me carry these to the shed."

"B-But my duties Headmas-"

"Oh it'll only take a few minutes. Now chop-chop!"

I rolled my eyes and went off to find the shed. Seconds passed and I reached my destination, I went inside and place the box down and went to go back but something caught my eye.

On the dusty table, there laid a box. Curiosity took over me and I touched it without thinking. It glowed blue and I flinched away from it. I then turned and made a run for it. What the hell was that?


I was panting hard when I was far from the shed. My thoughts lingered towards that mysterious box. Shaking my head, I went off to my duties.

Screams pierced my ears, "So annoying." I muttered, walking over to the mob of fan girls.

"Go back, Day Class students! You still have class!" I hear Yuuki yell. It seems like she was struggling to push the back.

"I want to see the Night Class students!" One of the girls from the mob said. The rest agreed.

"Yea! I want Aido to shoot me with his love gun!" Another screamed.

On my left I had Zero glaring at every girl as on my right I had Yuuki hopelessly telling them to get back. They pushed her down onto the dirty floor as the continued to advance forward. Useless.

"You'll get to see them at noon, don't you? It's valentine's day so you all will be able to hand them your chocolates directly. For now, just get back to your class." I spoke calmly, though my eyes were intensely pouring venom into each Day Class student's face.

"Kyaaaa! The other Zero is here! Guys run!"

With that, they all ran away leaving a deserted area. I smirked to myself. Seeing the figure lay on the ground, I pulled my hand out in front of Yuuki for her to take. Her eyes widened and she just stared at me in shock.

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