Chapter 17

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Emiko's POV

I teleported to my destination where I would meet Aido. I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm going to get into soo much trouble. Great. Just great.

The sounds of water splashing had met my ears. I personally think that it is a calm peaceful sound. Good for meditation and so. It helps with my boil down my anger. Cold air wept across my skin, sending goosebumps all over. My nose is turning red. I should've brought my gloves. I rubbed my hands together trying to create some sort of friction for my hands to warm up.

Naturally, Vampires are cold-blooded but that doesn't mean we can't attempt to warm ourselves up. Gosh, if I snuck into Zero's room right now and snuggle under the covers with him just imagine the warmth.

"Emiko-chan!~" Hanabusa exclaimed, practically leaping over to me. He was dressed fully clothed. Dark jeans with a huge leather coat, a black shirt inside, silver loose necklace and some black sneakers. His hair wasn't styled with gel. Instead, he left his blonde hair ruffled as if he just woke up. His golden bangs were left down, combining in with the messy look.

No girl would ever think he was into that kind of style. He wasn't so dressed up, if you know what I mean. He actually went for a lean back style and I think it suits him better.

"Quiet down, blondie. I thought you said we were sneaking out? We don't want to get caught now do we?" I hushed.

"O-Oh, Oh. Right, I got it." He quietened down. "Okay, let's head to town. I feel like getting some ramen."

I gave him a weird look but I soon shrugged it off. Within a few minutes, we teleported in the town square. The shops were decorated in beautiful lights and surprisingly, there were more people here than usual.

I narrowed my eyes. What day was it today?

As if reading my mind, Hanabusa answered, "It was meant to be a celebration for Mariko, but over the years the generations had altered it and reversed the story."

Who was Mariko? What story was reversed?

"The people who live around here believe in a very old legend. Ever since I was a child, my mother would read bedtime stories to me. Out of all the stories, my favourite was Mariko. A long time ago, this town used to be under attack by large beasts sent from the underworld. They would feed on humans and rip apart all of their happiness,"

He told me as we walked along the busy streets.

"Apparently, the Vampire Council was upset about this because the beasts were a part of their clan in the underworld and due to the lack of food, they had run wild. The Grand Vampires didn't want their race to have a bad name, so they had created someone who could protect the people and destroy the beasts..Mariko. She was a vampire, an immortal being just like us. Years went by, never had she aged, yet no-one noticed. The war of the beasts dragged along each year. When Mariko had finally finished the last of the beasts, ending the war in a complete state, the human soldiers, who had found out her true ability of never ageing, they took her away. Of course she could have fought back, but the goddesses had made her to protect the people, not go against them. Mariko was helpless.." He finished, but I had a feeling he hadn't.

"And? What happened?" I asked, impatiently.

He sighed, "..The burned her alive on a stake. She wasn't able to do anything but watch herself burn to death."

My eyes widen, who knew the humans back in those days could be disgusting?

"She helped them didn't she? Why would they do that?" I narrowed my eyes.

"The people were too blinded by having peace that they killed all of the beasts. They had taken every one of them put them to their demise. Including Mariko. Though she wasn't a monster." He said, shrugging, "Now the humans today celebrate the beasts as if they were the ones who saved the town, not Mariko."

What screwed up shit was this? Stupid humans.

"Ah! We made it! Welcome to the Ramen House, Emiko-chan!~" He yelled out excitingly, a few heads turned to look at us.

Before I could say anything else, Aido pulled my into the restraunt and guided me to a table. He bounced up and down in his seat as he looked at the menu. I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

"Excuse me! We'll have three So Sukiyaki's!" He hollered.

"Coming right up!" The chef replied.

I looked at him confused. "You're going to eat two bowls?"

"No they're for Akatsuki." Hanabusa smirked, whipping out chopsticks and spoons.

As if on cue, the door jingled and I turned to see Kain there looking around. He spotted us and made his way towards our table. He was wearing the school uniform except he had taken the blazer off. His hands were shoved in his pocket and he was already yawning.

"Baka. You made me walk all the way here just to eat ramen?" said Akatsuki

"Duh." Was Aido's only answer.

Akatsuki greeted me by nodding over at me. I only smiled back at him. Akatsuki would make a really great brother. Unlike Kaname. I remember the time when Yuki bugged the hell out of me and I almost killed her. If it wasn't for Akatsuki, I wouldn't have ever returned back to the academy.


I returned back to my dorms and laid across the bed. Aido kept on complaining that I was eating too slow and that ramen should be gulped down all at once. He even asked for seconds and he still wasn't full. Geez he can be such a pig.

Remembering the mysterious letter, I rushed over to where my sketchbook was and laid my eyes upon the envelope. Ripping the paper from the side, I was able to open it and pulled out a piece of clean paper with cursive writing on it.

My eyes widened.

Long time no see, my little niece. Or should I say, Mariko.


See you next time!

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