Chapter 38

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Zero's POV

"I saw Rido," She finalised, showing her face to say she was completely serious.

My body stiffened and tensed as I looked at her. I gently grab her arms and turned her to face me, looking sternly at her face.

"You saw who?!" I exclaimed, watching as she nod confirming what she said.

"I thought I heard a voice and decided to follow it. Quite stupid me, right? It turned out to be Rido. I saw him, he was standing right in front of me a few steps away. I could never miss that creepy smile he had, and even his mismatched us made my body shake. He told me to come to him and when I didn't he got really angry. Zero, I was really scared. Somehow, I slipped and ended up in the river," She said, clutching onto her clothes.

I immediately stood up, pulling her up with me and started hastily putting out the fire. She gave me a confused look as I grabbed her wrist and began pulling her along with me, out and away from the cave.

"Ow— wait, Zero," She tried speaking to me but all her words went out the other ear.

"We need to get out of here, now," I stated, as I continued to pull her. I needed to look for a way out of here, with or without Headmasters help.

If Emiko saw him, then there is a large chance he is still around lurking somewhere. What did he want with her? No. The question should be, what would he do to her? I couldn't let anything happen to her, not now, not ever. We've just mended the small broken pieces in our bond, there is no way in hell am I letting go of her. Ever. And especially not to the likes of Rido.

A few years back, Emiko had told me a bit of a past in her family. She only spoke of Rido and as to who that man really is. His name was Rido Kuran and according to Emiko, she has the same mismatched eyes as him. Rido was in love with his own sister, Juuri, who was Emiko's mother. However, his affections were dismissed as Haruka, Emiko's father, was the one who she truly loved. It was a love triangle. When Rido learned about this, he was overcome with such jealously that was uncontrollable and he eventually became who he is today. A monster.

"I'm not going to lose you again. Who knows what he'll do to you. It would kill me to see you hurt," I told her.


Before she could say another word, I groaned in pain and hunched over, letting go of Emiko's wrist and supporting myself on the nearest tree I could find.

She gasped, "Zero!"

I raised at her to stop her and said, "No, don't come any closer. Don't come near m— ugh!"

I felt my fangs extracting and my throat was burning. I held my throat and tried to take deep breaths but nothing was working. Damn it! Not now!  I thought to myself, feeling my eyes sting indicating that my eyes were probably glowing red.

"Take my blood!" I heard Emiko's desperate pleas but I shook my head no.

"He'll sense your scent and he'll find you. I-I can't let him take you," I searched my pockets for my pills but it seems that I left them at the camp base in a rush to find Emiko. Damn it!

Emiko gave me a determined look and mumbled something under her breath. She then extracted her fangs and bit into her wrist in one swift motion before running towards me. I was pushed back against the tree and my lips were pried her open. I realised she was pushing all of the blood into my mouth and I greedily drank all of it.

I felt a drop of blood slip from the corners of my mouth which was replaced by a tongue that cleaned it up.

I was breathless and felt my skin growing warm to hot. My heart was beating quickly in my chest.

"You shouldn't have done that, he'll know—"

"I've placed a time limit barrier around us, you really shouldn't worry. Besides, did you like this kiss?" She teased, as I become flustered from that question.

"W-Well, I.. ," I trailed off, scratching the back of my neck. Damnit Emiko! Don't make me all shy like this it's ruining my cool persona!

"Oh? You don't like it?"

"That's not—"

"Well fine then!" She flipped her hair, huffing and turned away from me so that I could only see her back, "Humph!" She was pouting alright.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her, her back was on my chest and my head was on top of hers.

"You know that's not what I meant," I tried to explain, tightening my arms around her.

"Humph!" She harrumphed again.

Once again I sighed before leaning down to blow in her ear. She let out a little squeal and turned around to push me back. When she realised what I was doing, she made a move to turn around again so that I couldn't see her cute little face but this time I wouldn't let her. I quickly pushed my lips onto hers before she got the change, kissed her passionately.

After a few moments, I unlocked our lips and saw her face becoming a scarlet colour.

I chuckled, "Who's the shy one now?"

"Sh-Shut up!" She responded rather cutely.

I brought her closer to my body and hugged her tightly. I wish it could be like this forever, but I know with Rido and Kaname in the way, the chances lower.

I heard a few snaps of branches ahead of us and saw a familiar girl in staring at us with a pained expression. Emiko tried to look at the source of the noise but I wouldn't let her as I buried her head into my chest further. Yuki's tear filled eyes continued to stared at us and I finally decide to clearly declare to her who I truly love and that person is Emiko and Emiko only.

I kissed the top of Emiko's head right in front of her, which made the tears stumble down from her eyes and she turned and ran from us.

I didn't realise that there stood Headmaster wide grin. The creep was happy watching us make out. I noticed Kuran standing to the side as well and was giving me a cold look despite his stoic expression. I glared at him back and squeezed Emiko tighter.

She's mine.


Yayayaya FINALLY some ZeroxEmiko time!

Also make sure to check out my new Shall We Date: Ninja Love fanfic if you are a Saizo fan!

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