Chapter 22

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**Please play the song**

Emiko's POV

Four days since the incident. Zero has not woken up or even moved at all. Some night class members predicted that he might never wake up. But I won't believe that until I see for myself.

Yuuki, on the other hand, seemed to went back to her normal self again and talked to me like nothing happened. I tried my best to ignore her because she triggers bad memories.

Day by day, I would come here in Zero's room and clean it up. After that, I would always make sure he looked comfortable before leaving the room.

I would even sleep next to him in the uncomfortable chair.

The beeping of the heart monitor would gradually slow down from time to time. It scared me a lot. The thought of a life without him brought so much pain in my heart.

I left Zero's room and walked down the halls.

Then I smelt someone..


I turn my head and looked over my shoulder to see her standing there behind me, holding a fucking bouquet for Zero. I clenched my fists and gave her a hard glare.

"I-I'm sorry, okay?" Was all she said in her irritating voice.

"You think three words and a bouquet is fine? You think it'll help him recover? It's because of you that he's in this state right now! All because of your stupid jealously that he's in a fucking coma and will probably never wake up! Why do you have to be so selfish?! First Kaname and now Zero!" I yelled angrily.

"Well I'm having a hard time too, you know! Kaname is so nice to me and he's gentle as well. Zero might always be annoyed with me but he had taken care of me and saved me a couple of times as well. Having to choose between the two of them, how do you think I feel?!" She retorted.

Why do I have to be related to someone like her? This just angered me even more. This wasn't a game.

After a moment of silence, I sighed and said,  "You want to know a reason why I dislike you so much?"

She nodded her head vigorously, clutching tightly to the bouquet.

My angered face contorted into a wide smile with a wild look in my eyes. I slowly approached her. Step by step I could hear her heart quicken and her hands were slightly changing. She tried clearing her throat a few times.

I stopped before her, standing at the same height as her.

"Because you're a selfish, spoiled brat that thinks she can run to her momma and let her deal with everything. Too bad, she's dead." I ripped the bouquet and threw it onto the ground, stepping on it with my foot.

She looked up from the ground and at me with watery eyes. Aww, was she going to cry now?

"Remember this? Remember when you ripped my favourite locket from my neck and stomped on it because Kaname gave it to me?" I say, continuing to stomp on the bouquet.

"No! Please! Please don't break it!"

"You even made him buy a locket for you, you ugly two-coloured eye monster!"

It was the voices from the past. My voice from the past. Her voice from the past.

"I don't even understand what you're talking about, stop destroying my gift!" She yelled.

Of course she doesn't.

I raised my hand and slapped her across the cheek, blood drawing from the scratch I made.

"Remember this? When you slapped me across the face when I talked back at you."

"Nobody likes you, nobody wants you here! You're just a mistake. An interruption of the bloodline of the Kurans! You shouldn't even be alive! Nobody, not even your family members, would care if you're dead. You're a beast, a monster, you're disgusting!"

"No, Yuki.. you are."

"You ..! How dare you!"

"No! Stop, stop! I'm sorry, I won't— No!"

"Not once, but many, many more times." I state, slapping her yet again.

"Stop slapping me!" She screamed.

I raised my hand to slap her for a third time but almost immediately, a hand shot out and I was grabbed by the wrist. Kaname was standing in front of me, his back facing Yuki as he stared intently at me. Disappointment in his eyes, an emotion I've always hated.

"Emiko, stop now." He sternly said. I tried moving his hands from my wrist but he wouldn't let go.

"You know fully well why I'm doing this. Step aside." I growl.

He shook his head as I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths.

"You shouldn't be hurting her. Just look at her, her face is bruised up and she's even bleeding. Emiko, you have done enough. Stop now or I will have to use force." He declared.

Something inside me just.. snapped.

I rolled my head back and started laughing. But it wasn't a laughter of joy or happiness. It was a laughter full of pain and sadness. I feel Yuki and Kaname's eyes on me and when I opened my eyes, I could see that they were staring at me with their eyes slightly widened.

My laughter died down and my eyes watered. I looked straight at Kaname as he looked at me not knowing what to do.

"Just look at her?" I say in a pained but quiet tone that soon reduced to a whisper as tears rolled down from the corners of my eyes, "Just look at me."

He was silent so I continued.

"Just look at the scars on my back. Just look at the unhealed cuts I still have from ten years ago that I have to try and treat every single day because no matter how much I try I can't heal them. Just look at my eyes, the reason why I was physically and mentally damaged by the people I thought were my family. So when you tell me that hurting Yuki was enough, it's not because she even took part in it as well. Try taking the pain of being punched, kicked, slapped, stabbed, burnt, scratched, several dislocation's of your shoulder, broken jaws, broken arms, elbows, ankles, legs, fingers and ribs. Try taking the pain of loneliness. Try taking the pain of being heartbroken. Try taking the pain.." I trailed off, my tears falling down easily and my voice broke but I managed to continue my sentence, finally able to end it, "Try taking the pain.. of just wanting to be loved."

I ripped my wrist out from his grasps and looked at him once more to see him with his eyes widened. I shook my head and turned around, walking away, wiping my tears away.


See you next time!

Vampire Knight; Brave (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin