Chapter 21

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Please play the song for a dramatic effect of this chapter.
Emiko's POV

It was if time went into slow motion. Ridiculous if I must say. I felt like my heart beat stopped.

My eyes widened at the scene, I felt almost numb. "..Zero?" I called out.

No answer.

His embrace didn't break. I held on to him for dear life. Even after I called for him, he didn't answer. And it really, really scared me. For the first time in years, I have never been so scared.

His head was nuzzled in my neck, I could tell he was still breathing. But it was shallow and quick.

"Zero!" I screamed, shaking him.

Yet again, there was no response.

He was hit because he wanted to protect me.. More importantly, he was hit by those disgusting weapons owned by Yuuki. I narrowed my now glowing, red eyes and tightened by fists against Zero's shirt.

Yuuki inched forward but I sent her a nasty glare. "Don't do you dare come any closer.." I snarled.

"I-I didn't mean too! It was all a mistake, I wasn't meant to hit him!" She stated desperately.

"You've done enough, Yuuki.." My words hit her like bullets. I watched as she staggered back with a fallen face.

I took my eyes away from her figure as I begin to focus on Zero. I quickly laid him down, my face consorted into guilt as I see Zero's pained expression. My eyes watered and I begin to sniffle.

"Z-Zero, you're going to be alright. Just..Just hang on.." I whispered to him. By now, big tears where streaming down my pale face.

From the distance, I heard footsteps from the distance. I recognise most of them. It seemed to be Headmaster and some of the Night Class Students. I could also sense that Kaname was with them as well.

Ignoring them, I close my eyes and clutched tightly onto Zero's hand. Darkness then consumed my vision and my body fell unconscious.

Hello? I called out. Please come out!

And why must I? A figure lurking in the shadows questioned me. need to help me. Someone I love..he's hurt.

Oh? So what? So what if he's hurt? He's just going to leave you like the rest of them.

No..that where you're very, very wrong.

How so?

You might not understand, but I know that he loves me very much just as I love him. He was the one who understood me the most. He was the one who saved me from my loneliness and not only that, he saved my life. I owe him so much, I want to repay him.

Go away, I'm not going to help you.

Why not?


Why not?

I told you already, hadn't I? He is going to leave you.

That's not the real reason, is it?

There was complete silence.

What is it? It's not like he has ever done anything to you, right? What's stopping you from helping me?

After a while, the voice spoke up.

I'm scared..

Scared of what?

I'm scared that we will end up getting hurt again or be used for power. It happened before, do you remember? You've even pretended that you did not know anything about it.

I've known that for several years now. Zero's not going to hurt or use anyone.

How can you be so sure?

Because it's Zero.

The figure stood still as possible but I manage to see that she was slowly unclenching her tight fists. Her body was no longer tense but relaxed.

A moment of silence had gone by and the figure suddenly disappeared into the thin air of the dark atmosphere. At first, I didn't know what was happening but now I understood.

The dark room that the figure had been caged in was beginning to dissolve, breaking all the chains and bars of it. They turned into shattered glass and one by one, they transformed into small particles that were all heading up.

My world of the dark cage began to form cracks all around and then shattered into glass just like before revealing a now blue sky. I looked down and smiled as I now stood in a green field full of flowers.

Somewhere out there, she seemed to respond, After all I've been through, I wouldn't had expected my other half to trust again. But I understand now. I've already did what I needed to do, so you can just close your eyes and return back to Zero where he needs you. Well then.. One day, we'll see each other again. I'll take my leave now.

I smiled softly up at the sky, Sayonara, Mariko.

Suddenly, a burst of light flashed causing my eyes to close shut. The next thing I knew when I had opened my eyes, I was in a room. It seemed that I was in the infirmary. Somehow, I felt like a new person.

I turned my head to the side and spotted a shirtless and bandaged Zero laying on the bed near mine.

His face was no longer showing that he was in pain but it showed he was at peace. I noticed that our hands were still intwined and I smiled.

Zero's words flashed into my mind. It was something he told me when we were fourteen after I was talking to him a bit about my past and how it seems that everyone had hated and neglected me.

People always miss you more when they see how much happier you are without them.

At first, I didn't understand what he was talking about and continued to push everyone away up until now but from now on, I will start anew.

I finally get it now, Zero.
Please wake up.. I miss you.

See you next time!

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