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Jamie's POV

Today was Tuesday. It was the blood drive. I've given blood before, but I always got nervous before it every time. I only do it because it could save someone's life in the long run.

I woke up Jackson. He got up without complaining of a stomach ache. Riker helped him get dressed, so I could get dressed and feed Jacey. When Jackson was done getting dressed, he ran into the kitchen and started pulling on my leg.

"What, baby?" I asked.

"I'm ready to go," he said.

"I'm almost ready. Go sit in the living room and wait on me," I told him. He walked and sat down on the couch. I turned around and saw Riker walk into the room. He was putting on a shirt. After he fixed it at the bottom, he smiled at Jacey and I.

"There's my favorite girls," he said. "I'll take her." He lifted Jacey from my arms.

"Thank you," I said. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later." I walked into the living room where Jackson was playing with his toy car.

"Can I take it?" he asked. I nodded. He jumped off the couch and walked to the door, holding my hand with one hand and holding his toy car with another. We walked out to the car, and I opened his door. I helped him climb into his seat and buckle him. I made sure he didn't unbuckle himself. I got in my seat and buckled. I drove to work, listening to Jackson talk. "Mason brought his fire truck yesterday, and-- Look at that tree. Mason said that he has a dog. Can we get one?"

"A dog? Wait until Jacey gets a little bit older," I said. Jackson didn't say anything for a few minutes because he was busy playing with his toy car. "Is Mason your best friend?"

"Yes," he answered with a smile. I smiled in the rear view mirror. I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. I helped Jackson out of the car. He ran ahead of me and rushed inside. I walked him to his class and went back to the front desk.

"When's the blood drive?" I asked Katie.

"They're taking people now; before it gets too busy over there. I'm swamped with files, but you should run over there before it gets too crowded," she said. "If you go at lunch, you won't be back when it's time for releasing." I thought about it. I might as well get over with it. I grabbed my purse and stood up.

"I'll be back later. I'll help you finish up when I get back," I told Katie. I think Katie tells me she has a lot of work, so I will help her out. I'm too nice when it comes to helping people at work. I've learned that since I got my job. It's a lot of stress. I left and walked across the street, watching for vehicles. I reached the building of the blood drive. I entered and held the door open for an elderly woman. She smiled and thanked me for the assistance. I smiled back. She walked in front of me to the blood drive area in the large building. She got in one line, and I got in another. I revived a form to fill out.

"Have a seat and fill this out," the lady behind a counter said. She hadn't even smiled. I took it from her and made sure to smile extra wide. I sat down in the only seat left. Katie was right. It was already packed.

I read over some of the questions:
Have you ever donated blood? Yes.
If you answered yes, do you have a history of passing out after so and when was the last time you donated? No & five years ago.
Do you drink? No.
Do you have any disease or illness? No.

I answered everything. I saw the old lady who I had held the door open for look for a seat. I stood and motioned for her to take.

"I'm fine," she said.

"I'm don't filling my papers out. You can sit," I told her.

"Thank you, again," she said. I smiled. I took the papers back over to the lady I had received them from. She had smiled this time.

I'll Fight For You - R5 FANFICTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon