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Jamie's POV

It was Christmas Eve Eve or December 23rd. My mom told me not to worry about any Christmas arrangements. She told me she had everything under control. She had already decorated my room with a tinsel and different decorations. We had a fake and short tree in the corner of my room. To my understanding, the kids will stay the night on Christmas Eve, and we will have a normal Christmas in the hospital. Well, it'll be as normal as it can get.

Riker got back from breakfast, and he sat with me.

"Talk to Megan today?" I asked. I hadn't met her, and I was curious to meet her. It's been about a week, and every morning Riker and her had breakfast together. I wasn't worried because she was married, and they only seemed to talk about their sick spouses, both who are fighting for their life.

"I did, and her husband is slowly getting better," he told me. "He woke up last night." Her husband, Ashton (I think), was in a coma from the car crash.

"That's great! It's like an early Christmas present," I cheered. I was all about good news recently, probably because of the news I have gotten.

"Speaking of Christmas," Riker changed the subject. "Where are the Christmas presents? My dad is going by the house to get them tonight and bring them by early in the morning. We're keeping them in the closet." He pointed to the closet near my bed.

"I put them in my closet," I told him. Riker got his phone out and texted his dad where they were. "Look at the tree." I laughed. "I've always had a big and real tree. I didn't realize a small tree would make me just as happy."

"How can you even see it? It's so dark in your room. You refuse to open the curtains to look outside," Riker rebuked. I rolled my eyes. "I know you don't want to look outside, but you should." The doctor said that me refusing to look outside, a place I couldn't go, was a sign of depression and not coping. I just didn't want to be reminded that I couldn't go outside. I didn't think it was depression because I'm fine. "I'm going to open them." I watched Riker walk over to the curtains. "Ready?"

"No." He was about to open them when a nurse knocked on the door. "Come in!"

She walked in with my breakfast. "Did I interrupt something?" I shook my head. She did interrupt, but it would be rude to let her know. Riker sat down on the couch by the curtains, and the nurse handed me my food. She left quickly because she had to give other people food. She closed the door behind her.

"What's for breakfast today?" Riker asked. I showed him the oatmeal that I used to like, but after eating so much I considered skipping breakfast. Riker wouldn't let me. "I wish I could get you a big greasy piece of bacon and some buttered toast." Riker thought it was funny to tease me.

I laughed. "Oh, really? You're eating bagels everyday." He got up and walked near me.

"I could be going to McDonald's everyday. You never know," he said with a grin. He leaned in to kiss me, but I ate a spoonful of oatmeal.

"Go kiss McDonald's," I joked. He laughed and sat on the hospital bed with me. He had forgotten all about opening the curtain, which I was glad about. I remember what the outside world looked like, but I didn't want to see it.

I finished up that day with a normal routine of sitting in bed and taking what comes to me.

It was now Christmas Eve, and I got to see my babies after a couple days which seems like forever. My mom had the room decorated, but she told Jackson that it was me.

"You're gonna stay here tonight, and Santa will come here," Riker told Jackson.

"How will he know I'm here?" Jackson asked. He was sitting on the bed with me.

"Magic," I told him. "He knows everything." He was amazed by that, and we watched Christmas movies for the rest of the day. That night was a lot different than the rest. Jacey cried a lot, and I was unable to take care of her. Riker did it all. Jacey woke Jackson up each time, so it was hard to figure out when we could get the presents under the tree. Riker woke up early to get the presents under the tree, and he cracked the door a little to say it was Santa. He pretended to go back to sleep, as did I. We waited until Jackson woke us up.

"Mommy! Daddy! Santa came!" he yelled. I warned him to be quiet because some people could be sleeping. "Can I open them?"

Riker picked him up, put him on my bed, and handed him a present. "Open away." Jackson ripped on the paper to reveal clothes. I laughed about Riker picking the clothing first. He opened many toys. Riker handed Jacey to me.

"Want to help Jacey open her presents?" I asked. He got really excited and waited for a present. I set Jacey up and let Jackson 'help', take over, ripping open her presents. She got toys and clothes. It wasn't much because she was a baby, and she wouldn't remember this, but I would.

This little Christmas meant a lot to me and Riker. This was Jacey's first Christmas. Jackson was getting older and got more involved. This Christmas was spent in the hospital. We may have more Christmases in the hospital, but we hope this is our only one. We hope that I have more.

The day didn't end there. Riker had a present for me. I didn't have a clue what he would get me, but I got him some clothes. I didn't have much time to think about what to get him, so I resorted to clothing. I love him flannels, so I got him a ton. He handed me a box. I opened it, and it was a pandora bracelet. He had different charms on it. I thanked him. I gave him his present, and he thanked me.

Everybody else came to the hospital later that day to give the kids their presents, give Riker and I our presents, and we gave them their presents.

It was a very merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

(A/N- MERRY CHRISTMAS!! This update is not much, only because I forgot to write. I got a puppy Sunday. My birthday was Monday. Tuesday I took my learners test. Wednesday I had a family thing. And today I have a family thing!
BTW THE GIRL I BASED THIS STORY OFF OF IS MikeysRydel! You should go check out her stories!!)

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