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(A/N- If any of you watch CHASING LIFE, you know how excited I am for the Christmas special! We got left on a major cliff hanger! Leo and April are perfect for each other, but I'm not so sure it'll happen now! It's such a great story, and it kind of inspired this sequel. There are similarities between the show and this story because I'm learning so much from it, and I defiantly want it in the story. Mine is got a different background story... Like, I'm not going to have a long lost half sister or anything like that. Just want everyone to know this is not The Fault In Our Stars related.)

Jamie's POV

I woke up on the last day of vacation. We had done so much things this past week. Riker and I were taking Jackson to the water park that was themed like Yogi Bear. (It had a giant picnic basket that you go in and run around. It was good themed inside. Outside of the basket, there were slides and other things that were found at other water parks. But these were painted to match the yogi bear theme. They had a small area for really small kids, perfect for Jacey.)

I was brushing my teeth when I tasted blood. I looked into the mirror and saw that my gums were bleeding. The doctor told me this was a symptom. I still panicked, but I didn't panic much knowing that it was a symptom. I finished my mouth out and walked to the room Riker was in.

"My gums bled," I whispered to him. He looked up from putting his shoes on to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded as I sat down. "Yeah, I am. It happened while I brushed my teeth."

"And your nose bled on the third day we got here. Isn't that a symptom?"

"Yep, but I think it's from the elevation level. We are in the mountains," I explained.

"You should still tell you doctor about that when we get home," Riker told me.

So I did. The day we got home, I made an appointment for the next day. I took Jacey with me to my appointment because Riker was meeting up with the guys and Rydel. Jackson insisted on going when he heard Rydel and Kelsey would both be there.

I got to the doctor's office and was called back shortly after I signed in. Mr. Brooks was already in his office.

"Good to see you," he said. He stood from behind his desk and shook my free hand that wasn't holding Jacey's carseat.

"Good to see you too," I said and sat down.

"So, tell me why you wanted to see me," he said.

"We took a vacation to Colorado last week. We got back yesterday actually. The third day we were there my nose bled. I know you said it was a symptom but what about the elevation?" Mr. Brooks thought for a second.

"I would think the elevation nose bleed would've taken effect sooner. Although, you never really know."

"When I brushed my teeth in the last day we were down there, my gums bled. That's why I think the nose bleed wasn't from elevation, but I am hoping it was," I added.

"Well, I'm glad you told me. This means you made a good choice by picking to do your treatment sooner than later." He looked at Jacey. "Where's your other child? Jackson, I believe."

"He's with his dad," I answered.

"Do you and Riker plan on anymore kids?" he asked.

"We haven't talked about it. Why?" I asked.

"Chemotherapy makes you infertile. You may want to talk to your husband about you maybe going to a clinic and-- saving things incase you want to be the blood mother of your future children. That is if you want future children."

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