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Jamie's POV

"I'd like it if you could come to my office as soon as possible please. This should be told in person," I was told over the phone from a doctor who had been at the blood drive the other day. I didn't know it at the time.

"What's this regarding?" I asked.

"Remember when you fainted after giving blood? This is answers to as why you fainted. I really don't feel comfortable talking about this over the phone. Please just come by," he said. He gave me his address to his office and told me when would be the best time, which was after his lunch break. I found the call strange.

But that was the call I woke up to.

"What could it even be?" I asked Riker after explaining the call.

"I don't know," he said. He was walking to go wake Jackson up to go to school. He walked back out with Jackson dressed. Jackson had a smile, and I put one on my face. Riker was taking him to school. I had called in sick. If I walked in looking good, they'd know I was acting. "I'll be back," Riker said before leaving me a kiss on the cheek and taking Jackson to school.

At the time, I hadn't thought to look up what could've caused me to pass out after giving my blood. I wasn't worried about it until the phone call. Many people pass out when giving blood.

Riker returned, and we got Jacey ready, including packing a diaper bag. I got ready and headed out. Where we were going was pretty far away. We weren't going to be back in enough to get Jackson, so Riker had made sure to call his mom.

We stopped at McDonald's for lunch. It was the quickest thing to stop and get. We were running later than we planned. Riker had to turn around because he forgot his phone. It put us behind schedule.

We arrived a little bit later than we thought we would've, but we didn't have a set time to be there. Riker carried Jacey inside and went to sit down. I went to the front desk.

"Hello, I was called up here by--" I was cut off.

"Jamie Lynch?" I nodded. "Have a seat. I'll let Mr. Brooks know you're here." I walked over to Riker and sat down.

"Nervous?" he asked. He laughed at my shaking leg.

"I'm just really curious as to what he has to say," I said.

"Jamie Lynch," a guy appeared at the door. It was the guy who was at the blood drive. I walked over to him with Riker with Jacey following behind me. "Come on back." We followed him into a room with a desk and a couch in front of it. "Mr. Brooks will be in here in a minute. He isn't back from lunch. He is running late." He left after telling us. I looked around the room and saw a few college degrees. Harvard was the most impressive for me. Riker and Jacey both found interest in the bobble head on the desk. Riker and Jacey played with it until there was a knock on the door. Who I assumed was Mr. Brooks walked in.

"Sorry about that. I can't stand traffic," he said. He walked behind his desk and leaned his hand over to shake our hands. He shook my hand. "I see you have your hands full," he said directing it towards Riker. He shook his hand and sat down. "Is that your only child?"

"We have one more. He's in preschool, right now," I said. Mr. Brooks smiled at Jacey. He waved to her, and she giggled and bit on her fingers.

"Well, I called you because I have something to tell you, but I wanted it to be told in person," Mr. Brooks said.

"Before you tell us anything, why did you run tests or whatever you did on me? Do you do it to everyone else?" I asked.

"We looked at what you filled out before you donated. You are considered a donator, even if you donated once. You also have had blood taken for your pregnancies. You said you've never fainted. We wanted to look into that," Mr. Brooks said.

"Is the news bad?" I asked. Mr. Brooks looked in the files on his desk, ignoring my question. Riker cleared his throat.

"Excuse me, is the news bad?" Riker asked. Mr. Brooks pulled out paper from a file.

"I want to get this right," he said. He looked down at the paper. He skimmed over it. He bit his lip. "Excuse me." He stood up and left. I looked at Riker. He didn't look at me.

"This is crazy," he said. "We don't even know why we're here," he said. "We don't know if anything is okay. For all we know--" Mr. Brooks stepped back inside.

"I'm sorry about that, again." He sat back down behind his desk. "I really didn't want to give you false information."

"It's fine," Riker said. I looked at Mr. Brooks. He took a deep breath.

"This is why I hate my job," he mumbled.

That's when I panicked.

(a/n- Sorry about the cliff hanger. I'm really excited for the next chapter to have everything out and open with.)

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