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(A/N- I guess I should make the time of year clear. I want a Christmas update for Christmas. I'll just clear up the month that Jacey was born and all that. It's December in the story. Jacey is about seven months, so I'll say she was born in May, a month before Jackson's birthday month. A specific day, May 3rd. I didn't plan her birthday to be in May, but since it is, her birthday will be the day I met R5 (minus Ross) & saw them live! I just wanted to say that so everyone has a clue of the time range and everything!)

Riker's POV

Today was the start of the next four or five weeks. Nobody slept good last night. Jacey was up and crying all night. Jackson couldn't go to sleep. Jamie was worried and stayed up all night. I was up with everyone. I probably got two hours of sleep if I was even that lucky. Thankfully, we weren't going to have to worry about the kids today. My parents offered to take care of the kids while Jamie, her parents, and I went to the hospital today. Once we get situated, the kids could come to the hospital.

We got to the hospital early, but we didn't go inside. Jamie's parents did to sign us in, but we stayed outside.

"I want to be outside for a little bit," Jamie said to me.

"Let's sit on the bench," I offered. She shook her head.

"I'm going to sit on the grass," she said and walked over to a big patch of grass in front of the hospital. Everyone looked at her weird because there were enough benches, but they didn't know her reasoning. I walked over to her and say with her. "I can sit on a bench inside, but I can't sit on grass inside."

"Well, I mean you could," I said. She looked at me with a dead expression.

"I may never step outside again," she whispered. Those words hit me, slapped me, and choked me. The only reasons those words hurt was because I knew it was true. "And you know it."

"But that can't keep you from going in. Look, your mom is coming." I caught a glimpse of her mom walking to us and waving over. I helped Jamie up, and we walked over to her mom.

"They're ready to start everything today," her mom told us. "The sooner everything is started, the sooner everything ends." We stepped inside and went up to the room. The hospital offered a wheel chair for Jamie, but she declined.

"Chemo is supposed to make you weak, and I want to use my strength while I have it," Jamie had said to the nurse. We got to the room. It was a bigger room than most hospital rooms are. There was defiantly a place for me to sleep whenever I can stay.

Jamie got situated on the bed, and her parents got situated in a chair. I sat on the couch by the window as I took in everything that was going on because this all seemed so surreal.

"We're going to start your chemo today. We will do it every other day to let your body rest for a day. You will be weak, like you already said. This process is scary for everyone, but I've done this for a while. I've seen people in the worse condition continue their life," the nurse said. "There are many people around here that are going through the same thing. We have someone named Sydney here that had leukemia. She'll be here for only two weeks for her treatment."

"Sydney?" Jamie asked like she was shocked.

"You must know her," the nurse said.

"Does her mom donate blood?" Jamie asked. The nurse nodded. "I didn't know she was coming in for treatment."

"Who's Sydney?" her mom asked.

"Someone I met at support group," she turned her attention to the nurse. "Can I say hi?"

"I don't see why not."

"Can I come?" I asked Jamie. I haven't met Sydney, but I've heard about her. Jamie nodded.

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