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Jamie's POV

I woke up to the sound of a baby crying. I climbed over Riker to get out of the bed and walked into the nursery. Jacey was crying because she was hungry. (After your second baby, you learn what each cry means.) I lifted her from the crib and lifted her up. I laid her in my arms. I turned around to exit when a little shadow stopped me in my tracks.

"Jackson, what are you doing up?" I asked. I walked over to him and bent down.

"Sissy was crying," he said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Jacey was still crying.

"How about you go lay down with Daddy. I'll be in there when I'm done feeding Jacey," I told him. He nodded and ran into my room. I walked into the kitchen and made a bottle. I tested it on my wrist to make sure it was okay. I began to feed Jacey, who immediatley stopped crying. When she was halfway done with the bottle, she started to fall asleep. I looked around the kitchen for the burp rag, what you put over your shoulder when you burp a baby, but I couldn't find it. I looked in the living room and found it laying over the couch. I put it on my shoulder and moved Jacey so her head was resting on my shoulder. I put her bottle n the counter and began to burp her. After about a minute, she was ready to go lay back down. I left her room and went to mine. I looked at the clock. It was only 1:29am, so I could sleep. I have to get up at 6 for work. I looked at my bed. Jackson was nestled up beside Riker. I smiled as I climbed back over them. Riker opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Did you tell him he could come in here?" Riker mouthed, so he didn't wake Jackson. I nodded. He blew me a kiss from across the bed. I blew him one back. That had become our thing whenever Jackson is in our bed. I fell asleep.

Do you ever feel like when you go to sleep, time speeds up? I do all the time. I woke up with Jackson beside me. I didn't see Riker, so I figured he was up drinking coffee or something. I woke Jackson up by tickling him. He began to chuckle and smile. His nose crinkled up like Riker's.

"Stop, mommy!" he yelled while not being able to stop giggling. I gave him kisses on his cheek and kept tickling him. "Mommy!" I stopped tickling him and let him breath.

"Time for school," I told him. He sat up. He is usually very excited for school.

"I don't feel good," he said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My tummy hurts," he said and pointed to it.

"Do you feel like you're about to throw up?" I asked. He nodded. "Do you want to stay home?" I asked. He nodded again. He had a pouty face. He really liked going to school to see his friends. "Stay right here. Let me go see if Daddy is staying home." I got out of bed and walked into the living room to catch Riker watching the last few minutes of the news.

"Morning, baby," he said as he saw me walk in. "Sleep good?"

"I did. I don't think Jackson did," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"He says his tummy hurts, so I was wondering what you were doing today."

"Well, Rocky had a song he wanted to pitch to everyone.My mom is going to be there. She can watch the kids," Riker said. Stormie and Mark moved down when they found out about Jacey. They hated being far away from their family.

"I'd stay home but-"

Riker cut me off. "No, you go to work. Everyone will be okay. It's Friday. Just go and enjoy it."

"I'm going to get Jackson situated and get ready," I said and exited the living room. I walked to my room and saw Jackson waiting on me. I walked over to him and picked him up and positioned him on my hip. I carried him to his room. I laid him down in his big boy bed. "Daddy is going to take you to see Grandma today," I told him. "Do you want to go?" His eyes widened up, and he nodded. "I'll be home in a little bit, okay? I love you." I gave Jackson a kiss on the cheek. He gave me a hug.

"I love you, mommy," he said. I left and went to my room. I got dressed for work and went back to the living room where Riker was.

"I'll just have my mom come by here that way Jackson doesn't have to move around. It'll be easier," Riker told me.

I nodded. "Sounds good to me. I'll be back." I gave Riker a kiss before I left. "Give Jacey a kiss for me when she wakes up." I grabbed my purse and keys and left. I drove to work in silence with an empty car seat behind me. Usually, Jackson would point out things that we drive by or he would tell me about his dreams or tell me something Riker or Jacey did. I never had to turn on the radio, but this morning I had to.

I got to work and went inside.

"Morning, Jamie! Where's Jackson?" Katie, the lady who works in the office with me, asked.

"He's not feeling good today. I let him stay home," I said. I walked behind my desk and plopped my purse on the ground. I sat at my computer and began to log on.

"Hannah's son had a stomach virus. Maybe it's going around," Katie told me.

"That's probably it," I said.

The day went by slow because it was Friday, but it was finally time to leave work.

"Don't forget about the blood drive this Tuesday! It's across the street. They want a lot of people. Are you going to do it?" Katie asked.

"Yeah, I'll do it. I'll see you Monday," I said. I left work and got in my car. I had another silent car ride.

I pulled up to Stormie's car. I didn't see Riker's so he must've still be busy. I got out and walked inside. Stormie was sitting on the couch with Jacey.

"Welcome home," Stormie said.

"Thank you. How's my babies?" I asked.

"Jackson is feeling better. He ate lunch. Jacey has been a little cranky." Stormie handed me Jacey. "I have to go pay some bills. I'll talk to you later." Stormie gave me a hug. She left. I carried Jacey into Jackson's room. Jackson sat up.

"Mommy!" I walked over and sat by him on his bed.

"I missed you guys," I told Jackson and Jacey.

"I missed you, Mommy," Jackson said.

"Did you behave for Grandma?" I asked. He nodded. "Good. How are you feeling?"

"Good," he answered. I leaned and kissed his forehead.

"I'm going to fix dinner. Come into the living room, so I can watch you," I told him. I helped him up. I carried Jacey into the living room.

"Why doesn't Jacey do anything?" Jackson asked as I laid her in the swing.

"She's just a baby," I answered.

"Will she always be a baby?" he asked.

"No, you were a baby that didn't do anything at one point. It wasn't long ago," I explained.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded. Riker walked through the door. He walked over to us and gave Jackson and I a hug.

"My mom left?" Riker asked.

"Right when I got here. She said that she had to pay bills," I explained to him. Riker walked over to Jacey. He bent over the swing. He put his hands under her and lifted her up. I wanted to tell him that his mom said she was cranky, but something wouldn't let me. He gave her a kiss on her cheek and let her lay with her head on his shoulder. Jackson had started making a mess by pulling out all his toys. "I'm going to start dinner." I walked over to the kitchen and began to make tacos. I got distracted when I would catch glimspes of Jackson playing with Jacey or Riker giving Jackson a piggy back ride. I hated to end it, but I didn't want them to eat a cold meal. Riker put Jacey in the pack-n-play and came to the table. Jackson walked over after him and sat down. We ate pretty quickly because Jackson said he picked out a movie he wanted us all to watch.

Jacey wasn't so much into the movie as she was making a scene, so I had to leave Riker and Jackson for most of the movie to calm her down, but my day had been great.

(a/n- Actual first chapter of the story! The plot will be introduced a little bit more later into the story... I want to get a little more in before, so I can have more stuff to foreshadow with!! :D I am so excited for this story! I hope you guys are too! Be prepared tho... you may need tissues.)

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