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Riker's POV

After dinner, everyone left, but Jamie and I stayed behind. Jamie wanted to talk with my mom.

"I really thought you were announcing you were pregnant," my mom said while she held Jacey. "I wanted more grand babies."

"I wish it was that," Jamie said. She thought about it. "That reminds me. My mom and dad are moving down soon because of this to help out, but she isn't here now, so can I ask you something?"

"Anything, sweetie."

"Well, with my chemo soon, I won't be able to have anymore children. I talked to Riker about options, and he doesn't think I should go through a clinic. He thinks if we want more kids we should adopt," Jamie explained.

"Why don't you want her to do that?" my mom asked me.

"It'll be stressful on her and on me," I said. I'd have to worry about her which would be stress.

"This decision is for years to come when she's well. You have to forget about now," she said.

"Do you both want anymore kids?" my dad chimed in. I looked at Jamie and she looked at me. That hasn't been a topic we discussed only because Jacey was just now 7 in a half months.

"I always saw myself with a good size family," I admitted.

"It's stressful," my mom said. "To have a big family you have to give up more. We didn't plan on five. We didn't plan on four. I don't think we were expecting Rocky at the time. If it happened, it happened."

"I was an only child, so two kids was defiantly a must for me. Three was just if my future was in a good spot," Jamie commented.

"We might not be in a good spot," Riker said. "Hospital bills will add up. I don't think a third baby will be an option," I said.

"I didn't think about that," my mom said. "There is so much to think about with this situation, but it's better to be safe than sorry."

We left shortly after thanking them for their words. I don't know about Jamie, but I left still not knowing what side my parents were for. I think my mom was for going through with what Jamie wanted. My dad, well, I didn't know.

We got home and got the kids asleep. Jamie thought it would be a good time to make a final decision on what we were doing.

"I don't know," I told her.

"We're making a decision now." She stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked, yelling quietly so she could hear me.

"I'm looking for a quarter," she yelled quietly back. She came back. "Heads, we do what I want. Tails, we don't do anything."

"We're really going to decide this by flipping a quarter?"

"When you flip a coin and it's in the air, you realize what you want to happen before it lands. Then, we'll both know what we want and be over this."

She flipped the coin.
Heads or tails?
I didn't know.
Then, what i wants hit me.
She caught the coin.

"Well?" she asked.

"Let's look at the coin," I said. She opened her hand. The coin was on what I had wanted. "I know what you wanted, but I don't feel the same way. The coin doesn't either. Maybe it's a sign."

The coin was on tails.

"So we're letting this coin thing be a sign?" she asked.

"It was your idea," I said with a shrug.

"Maybe it is a sign," she said, trying to accept it. She sighed. She sat down by me on the couch. "No more babies for us."

"But you know adoption is always an option," I said.

"You know what I'll miss about being pregnant?" she asked. "Foot rubs." She gave me a puppy dog face.

"I have a feeling I'll be giving you a lot of foot rubs in the future," I said.

She smiled. "You know it."

No more babies for us, but I'm happy with my little family. We share so much love for each other, and we're happy. Who even knows what the future holds? Nobody knows. We might be surprised when one day Jamie is pregnant even after chemo. We'll just have to wait and see how everything goes, but as of now, I'm happy. Things are about to get crazy for us, but we'll get through what we can. It's a bumpy road ahead, but we're in the carpool lane, so we're riding together, and we'll have to go through it together.

(A/N- This dinner took up three chapters. Probably the longest dinner in history. It is short, but I felt like updating.

I might not be updating a lot because of
-My birthday is coming up, and I have to study for my learners!
-etc, not worth mentioning.

I'll be getting in a few updates before the week of Christmas hopefully. I might save an update for Christmas.
Anyway, see you next time I update.)

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