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Jamie's POV

My life has changed so much in the past 3 years.

The biggest change would be having another baby. Jacey was an accident, but I love her so much. She is currently 6 months old.

Jackson was really happy to find out he was having a little sister. He was 2 when we told him, but he was 3 when she arrived. He wanted to help out as soon as we brought her home. He feeds her and holds her now. He loves his little sister.

Riker was very happy to have a daughter. He loves his children so much, but it's something about a father and daughter's relationship that is really special. Riker and I are doing good still. We haven't had any dull moments in our marriage because of our kids, which is why I think we've gotten stronger. One thing that Riker does differently is touring. He has been on two small tours since Jackson was born, but he says he missed us too much. He hasn't stopped writing and recording music, and he sure isn't done with touring. He is just taking a break.

I got a job to work at a local Preschool. I don't teach, but I am the "office lady", as the kids call me. Jackson goes to the preschool that I work at. I like to be able to watch him. Jacey is too young to go, so Riker keeps her with him whenever he can. Sometimes I talk to my boss to see if I can bring her, and she says she doesn't care.

We have everything going good as of now. We're stable and still very happy. I wouldn't change one thing.

(a/n- Short chapter to give a catchup in a short chapter. I will be working on an update. Guys, this story is going to have a major plot twist in it. I'm going to test my writing skills... so bare with me!)

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