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Jackson's POV

I went to pre-k today. I had been going, but it was without my mom. I haven't seen much of my mom in a week or so. I missed her a lot, but my grandma told me that she was sick and needed to get well.

My grandma dropped me off at pre-k, and I walked over to Mason. He was watching TV. I sat with him and pulled out my car that I had gotten for Christmas from Santa.

"Woah, I have the same one!" Mason yelled.

"I got mine from Santa," I told him.

"I got mine for my birthday," he told me. "But I got an orange one for Christmas."

"I spent Christmas in a hospital," I said.

"Why?" Mason questioned.

"My mom is there. I don't see her a lot," I told him.

"My mom is always around. You have a bad mom," he told me.

"My mom used to be a good mom."

"Now, she's bad. My mom loves me."

"My mom used to love me," I said. Pre-k went by, and my grandma came to pick me up. Ryde, my nickname for Rydel, was with her.

"How was your day, Jackson?" Ryde asked me from the passenger seat in the car. She turned to look at me.

"It was good. I played with Mason," I said.

"I missed you all day," she said.

"I missed you too," I said while smiling really big. She blew me a kiss, so I smiled even bigger. She turned around while my grandma drove. I sat in my car seat for a while without saying a word.

"Everything okay, Jackson? my grandma asked. "You're really quiet."

"Does Mommy love me anymore?" I asked.
Rydel's POV

When I heard Jackson ask about his mom loving him made me really upset. I looked at my mom and watched a face of concern turn into a very upset look.

"Why would you ask that?" my mom asked him.

"Mason said she is a bad mommy 'cause she doesn't come around," Jackson said.

"Your mom is not a bad mommy. Your mom would do anything to be with you, Jackson. Your mom is the best mommy."

"Then, why isn't she around?" he asked.

"Your mom is sick and trying to get well," I spoke up. I leaned near my mom. "Are we going to tell Riker about this?" She looked at me with the same upset look she had when Jackson said what he did.

"Go ahead and call him. Tell him we need to talk with him."

So I called him. He answered, and he said he could come for dinner, and Jamie said she would just sleep. Mom decided to make his favorite dinner that night because she didn't know what kind of food he had been eating. She said the boring hospital food and mix of greasy fast food can't be good for him. His favorite had actually become a cheeseburger with a milkshake, so I don't know what my mom thought was healthy about that. She said this was going to be made with love, so I guess that counts to her. Riker got there just a little bit before my mom finished his food.

"Hey guys," he said as he entered the house.

"Daddy!" Jackson ran to him, and Riker picked him up. He went around and hugged everyone: my mom, my dad, me, Ross, and Jacey.

"Why don't you go get your toys while I talk to your dad?" my mom asked Jackson. He nodded and Riker put him down on the floor to run away.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Riker asked.

"Jackson said something in the car today, and I think you should know about it," my mom began. "Rydel was with me, so she could tell you about it too."

"We were asking him how is day was, but then he asked us if his mom loves anymore," I told him. I saw the shock and disappointment in his face. I really felt for him. He rubbed his hair back and stood with most his body weight on the counter beside him.

"Why did he ask that?" Riker asked.

"His friend Mason told him since his mom didn't come around that she was a bad mom," my mom told him. Riker shook his head as Jackson ran back in the room with his toys in his hands. "Should we leave you two?" Riker nodded as my mom and I left.
Riker's POV

Jackson walked over to me, and I knelt down to be level with him.

"Can we talk?" I asked him. Jackson didn't look up from his toys, as he had already began to play with them, but he nodded. "Why do you think Mommy doesn't love you?"

He shrugged without looking up from his toys once again. "She doesn't come around me anymore."

"She loves you with all her heart. How much do you love Mommy?" I asked him.

"A lot," Jackson said, this time looking up from his toys.

"Show me how much," I said.

Jackson ran to one side of the room. "From here." He ran to the other side of the room. "To here."

"That much?" I overdramatize. "That's a lot!" He walked back over to me. "You know how much Mommy loves you?" Jackson shook his head. "To the moon and back." His mouth formed an 'o' shape.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"She tells me everyday and every night. She wants to see you everyday, but she can't right now. When you're older you will understand."

I hated that Jackson thought Jamie didn't love him. I wish he could understand what was going on, but I'm also glad that he can't, so he doesn't have to worry.

(A/N- I don't know how I feel about doing another Jackson POV. It was weird to write for me. I will try to get another update in before the new year, but I doubt it will happen. It's almost Ross' birthday here, so here's an early birthday to Ross: Happy birthday, Ross! LMFAO.)

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