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(I don't know if Colorado has a yogi bear camp. I went to one in North Carolina... Or South.. I can't remember. It was really fun. It's a yogi bear theme camp that is a camp ground where you camp out. They have activities that are based off yogi bear. If you never heard of yogi bear, look it up or just go with it.)

Jamie's POV

"We're going camping," Riker said as he sat down. "For our vacation." I had told Riker that going on vacation before treatment was a recommendation at support group. He decided to plan the vacation.

Camping? I went camping when I was a little girl. I didn't really see Riker as the type to plan a camping trip as vacation, but he did grow up in Colorado.

"In a tent? With all the baby stuff we need?" I asked.

"I booked a cabin. It's at a Yogi Bear camp. It's kid friendly. They have different activities for kids. It'll be fun." Riker looked pretty pleased with himself planning the whole vacation without my help. I was happy for him.

"When do we leave?" He took a deep breath.

"That's the thing. We leave the day after tomorrow," Riker said. "I don't know if you'll be able to get everything together. I'll help though." I nodded along as he talked. I'd be able to get everything together.

I heard a faint cry come through the baby monitor. I left Riker in the kitchen and went to Jacey's room. I lifted her into my arms and carried her into the living room as I rocked her in my arms. To my surprise, Jackson was awake from his nap and in Riker's lap.

"Jacey woke him up," Riker said as he laid Jackson back in his arms. I sat beside them on the couch with Jacey.

"Do we have to pack today? Can we just do it tomorrow?" I asked. Riker looked at me and smiled. I laid back on the couch with Jacey falling asleep in my arms. Watching her fall asleep, made me tired. I started to drift off.

I was almost asleep when I felt a pair of lips on my forehead, which turned out to be Riker's. He must've thought I was fully asleep. I was glad I wasn't. I would've missed that.

The next day was a very busy and kind of stressful day. Of all days to have two cranky kids, it would be while you're packing the day before you leave for vacation.

Between having it rain every time I went camping in a tent when I was younger and cranky kids while packing, I was starting to think that camping wasn't for me.

The ride to Colorado wasn't as hectic as I would've predicted. I thought Riker would have to pull over at every gas station because of Jackson have to pee or Jacey needing a diaper change. I was pleased. We only had a few stops. The kids were asleep for most of the ride.

We got to the Yogi Camp as Jackson woke up. He was very happy to see the signs and pictures of yogi bear. Jacey really didn't care. She didn't know where she was or what was going on.

Riker got the key to the cabin. We unloaded our things into the cabin. You'd think we were moving in with all the baby stuff we brought, but we need a lot. Jackson even brought toys that took over the floor. The cabin went from a decent size to being taken over by toys.

The day actually went by really fast. We had unpacked, ate dinner while listening to Jackson talk about yogi, and laid the kids down to bed in a separate room. We talked about how much fun this trip was going to end up being and got caught up in the moment.

Our lips collided like bumper cars. We fell into each other's arms. We moved like we used to, but something felt different. Riker was hesitating in between kisses and with everything else he was doing. I pulled myself away from him and sat up. I still had clothes on. We hadn't gotten far into what we were probably going to end up doing.

"What's wrong?" Riker asked. He sat up and leaned his back against the head board.

"You," I flatly said. "You're treating me differently."

"What are you talking about?" Riker asked with confusion written all over his face.

I explained to him how he had been hesitating. "What's your deal? I'm still me." Riker looked like he was thinking. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but he closed his mouth and looked at me.

"I didn't even realize." He finally said something. Well, I had. I had just started to cope and get comfortable with myself. I had realized I was still me and other people were dealing with the same thing as me.

The last person I suspected to treat me different did.

(A/n- SHORT, I know... But it's way overdue. I'm so sorry! The next one should be longer, but I can't make any promises!)

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