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Riker's POV

Jamie had been home for a month and things had been going well for everyone. We were as close to normal as we ever were gonna get.

One night we were laying in bed.

"I wasn't ever going to show you this, but I want you to see it," Jamie said. I was really confused.

"Okay?" She pulled out a price of paper that was folded up.

"I was going to write everyone a letter while I was in the hospital, but I could only finish yours," she said. "I'm about to go to sleep, and you can read it now or whenever."

"I'm gonna read it now," I told her.

"I love you," she mouthed.

"I love you too," I told her. I kissed her, and she laid down to go to sleep. I had the light on beside me, so I could see the writing.

I began to read.

Dear Riker,
I know you would tell me not to talk like this, but I really don't know how much time I have left. But no one else in the world does. I always go back and think about what would happen if I wasn't on the beach that day when we met. I know we wouldn't have met, but then I wonder how we would meet or if we would ever meet. I was a fan, so you'd probably see me at a concert, but I don't think you would've made a move. There's no way that would've happened, and we both know that. It makes me realize how lucky I am to have you. Without you, I wouldn't have Rydel as I of my best friends. Without you, I wouldn't have brought Nicole around, and she wouldn't have met Rocky. Without you, I wouldn't have the the two loves of my life, Jackson and Jacey. You're definitely what I need in my life because without you I wouldn't be happy. I would be so alone, and I would never have had the strength to tell my parents the news that I had cancer. You're the better half of me. Its crazy to think about all the crazy things that have happened to us, and I just want you to know that I'm so thankful for everything. You're the reason that I might have a chance of making it through this, but don't ever think it's your fault if I don't. I know you've been stressing and worrying, but you shouldn't. With out without me on this planet, I will always be there for you. I will never leave you alone even if you're begging me to. I just won't ever do it. When we said our vows, I vowed to never leave you alone. I vowed to never stop loving you. I will love you until my last breath and then some. You're the love of my life and love of my death. You're the man that my dad prayed for me, except he didn't ask to meet you the way he did, me being 'knocked up'. But that's the kind of things I want you to treasure when I'm gone. I want you to sit up and night and laugh about the way you met my dad instead of staying up late and crying because I'm not beside you. Be happy all day and everyday. You should smile forever because I'll be there beside you when you do. When you're not, I will still be there, but I will work to make you smile, and you know how much I hate work.

But on a serious note, you're only reading this because I am no longer with you. That already pains me to be away from you. I dread the day that it's coming, and I have a feeling it's coming or it's just in the moment of writing this. I'm going to save a spot right beside me in heaven for you. I want to look down and see you putting on concerts and make people's dreams come true. Hug everyone extra tight at meet and greets for me. That could be the only hug they get from you,snd its not fair I got more. When you sing, pretend like you're singing to me and put the emotion in the song. Make every show better than the last.

I love you so much. You're the most amazing person on the planet. It's very cliche, but I'm in love with you.


P.S. I will fight for you.

(a/n- Next chapter is the last chapter. I love you all so much. Thank you for the support!)

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