Sirius Black and Lucy Clock

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Sirius Black

I can't believe James lost. And to a girl that quiet. Though I ahve to say she put up a great fight. I walk up to the stage preparing myself, being the confident individual I am. But Lucys friends were trying to push her up as she was reluctant to go. Wow. I have never known a girl that shy. They manage to get her onto the stage and she takes out her wand. 

She curtsies and I bow and we take our places. I decide to start easy just to see how good she really is. I send a simple spell towards her. She deflects it and send a streak of purple out her wand towards me making me freeze and fall to the ground. She disarms me and does the counter curse. SHe curtsies again and chucks back my wand. 

Lucy Clock

I duel knowing the girls are looking up to me. Even though I hate it, I will try. He disarms me twice quickly and I battle as I think of something clever to do. A distraction. I know one spell of advanced magic that will disract him but I don't know. I shoot a disarming spell for him to dodge.

I think of a happy thought.

"Expecto Patronum" and my patronus, a squirrel shoots out and runs around the room. I was right. Everyone is watching it. I release it and perform a quick spell and get his wand. I chuck it back and we duel. He catches me off guard a couple of time but I manage to deflet them. I feel a stone hit the back of my head. It was quite a large one. I clutch my head in pain as Sirius disarms me. He catches my wand but drops it seeing I have blood on my hands. 

"Lily, take LUcy to Madam Pomfrey" The teacher says. "And well done Mr.Black. As a prize you will have no homework for two weeks" Lily puts her arm around me and takes me down the hall.

Sirius Black

I stare at her as she walks out the room. "What happened?" I ask James as I come off the stage.

"Some Slytherin threw a rok at her as you were dueling." I stand there with my mouth wide. 

"Who?" I ask

James points towards a crowd. Severus...


Hey. Thanks to everyone who has been reading.

Thanks to everyone who is now  my fan.

I was over the moon!! Comment with feedback!! 

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