Marie says nothing as we walk into the house and I can only hope now more than ever than Mom was asleep.

     My track record for wishing things is not good today.

     The instant I close the door, I am hit across the face and fall to the floor.

     Mother looks at me in disgust before telling Marie to go to her room.

    There is a harsh blow to my ribs and my breath gets knocked out of me.

     Mother grabs my hair and fists it tightly in her hand, "Is that one of the boys you have been whoring yourself too? Don't try to deny it, I saw you two outside!"

    "No, he was just waving to me, I swear! He goes to the same school as me and was just being nice."

     She releases my hair and I groan in relief. She screams, "Stop fucking lying. I don't need my daughter learning from your trashy ways!"

       I am confused at her words and for some reason they hurt more than everything else she says. It's as if she's insinuating I'm not her daughter, but I am. What have I possibly done to make my own Mother hate me this much!

     She groans, "I don't know how many times I'm going to have to teach you this, Sang," her eyes turn almost feral, "I guess until it sticks."

      She grips my arm and pulls me up faster than my body can adjust to, causing me to stumble as she pulls me to the kitchen.

      She pulls a familiar container of rice out, and pours it on the ground.

      "Kneel," she spits at me.

      I slowly sink onto the ground, wincing from the familiar feeling of the rice gains digging into my knees.

     She shakes her head, "You'll learn eventually. Luckily, you have a while to think about it. Don't move an inch until I tell you to."

        I nod, not saying thing so I don't anger her any further. The rice hurts, it might cause some bruising, but it is one of her tamer punishments.

         I don't know how long I'm left there, forgotten by Mother. The light that once filled the kitchen from the Sun has now begun to dim.

       Finally, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

       I look to see Mother walking down the stairs, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

     "Sang, what in the world are you doing? Clean this all up and go upstairs."

      She goes to get something out of the fridge and I pull my stiff body off of the ground. Some of the rice falls off, others I have to pull out.

    I silently and quickly clean up the rice and make my way upstairs. My body is aching and a couple spots from the rice trickle lightly with blood.

    I put my book bag on my bed and slowly crawl onto the bed.

    I pull my phone out from the bag and am overwhelmed with the number of texts and calls I have received from all five of the boys.

     I freeze up. Would a simple 'Sorry, haven't been able to respond', suffice in this situation?

         No, it wouldn't. Obviously they have been worried about me and can tell when I'm lying.

     The last one of the boys to call is Corey, so I call him back.

    He answers almost immediately, "Sang? Are you okay? Are you hurt?," I go to respond when suddenly he yells, "She called back! No, Raven! Raven, put the gun back!"

     I hear Raven yelling in Russian while Corey tried tried to get him to calm down.

     Eventually I'm able to tell Corey, "I'm fine. I didn't mean to worry you guys, I'm so sorry."

      Corey sighs, "What did she do."

      I hate hearing Corey sound so upset, it doesn't seem right for him.

      "There was a punishment, but very minor, all things considered."

      Corey groans into the phone, "I can't wait for you to be out of there."

      I don't say anything for a second before he asks, "Want to get out of there for a little bit? I'll come get you and I'll get you home."

       I contemplate it before I say, "Yeah, I do."

        After the day I've had, I could really use this time. They make me feel better.

         Corey's voice becomes happier for some reason, "Great! I'll be in our spot soon. I'll text you when I get there."

      I tell him goodbye and hang up.

      Soon, I get the text and I sneak out of my room, leaving the window open ajar for when I come back.

    The trip down the tree outside of my window is painful due to my sore body but I manage to do it.

    I make my way to Corey's car as quickly as I can and hop inside.

     We greet each other and he drives off before he asks, "Well, how was your first day?"

      I groan, "I think it might have been worse than being at home at certain points. There are some very nice people, but then there are some... not great characters there."

He grimaces, "School can be like that. Want to talk about it?"

I consider it. I consider spilling everything about that Greg kid and Mr. McCoy especially. But, they are already too worried about me with my mother. I don't want to burden them with all of my problems. Plus, I really just want to forget it all, even for just tonight.

I look at him and smile, "No. It's nothing I can't handle."

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