Chapter 3

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It is time to get ready to go to the airport. We were all dressed the challenge now is to put Bella in the cat carrier. It took about ten minutes she was in and we were off to the airport. The drive there consisted of my parents giving me advice plus a headache and my cat staying inside the pet carrier scared as hell. So, all in all, it went relatively well.

The moment we arrived me and my mom went to do the check-in. For me, the most painful part was when they took Bella to put her with the other animals. It's wired not having her near me. The time went by without understanding and now it was time for me to board the plane. So, I hugged my parents tight and left.

~ time skip ~ (after the plane ride)

The plane just landed and I messaged the BTS manager saying that I arrived so he would hopefully give me the address to where I needed to go. But I guess was wrong as he had come to get me himself.

Just as I had done the checkout and got my luggage and cat carrier I saw a man holding a piece of paper with my name on it. So, I went over and started speaking to him in Korean.

He looked at me shocked for a minute but then again, he didn't know that I knew Korean, thought I was American.
Anyway back to the story.
So he told me to follow him.
The boys are at the studio right now. They don't know about you so we will go to the dorm leave your stuff there and go to the studios for you to meet them.
Is it too much to ask if I can take my cat and not leave her at the dorm?
Yeah sure Taehyungs dog is there so is Jin's pet.

While we did all this talk we arrived at the dorm. Then he dropped another bomb. I was sharing a room with my bias Jungkook. But I had to keep my cool even though I was dying inside.

~ two hours later ~

Now that everything is set we were on our way to where the boys are. I was a nervous wreck.
He saw in what state I was in and tried to calm me down. In front of the company that's when I pinched myself to see if it was true. I have to say one thing it hurt like hell. So, I'm not dreaming but this feels so unreal. One thing I know for sure is that I'm not going to be all over them and will respect their privacy. That's one thing I would like all A.R.M.Ys to do.

Walking through the hallways I started calming down. As we arrived in front of a door you could hear music. Manager Sejin went inside after telling me to stay out until he comes to get me.
I could hear them from here.

So, boys, I have to tell you all something. The manager said
What is it manager-nim? I heard Namjoons ask
So about two weeks ago a school called and asked if a student could stay with you guys. He also said that she is very talented in singing and dancing. So, we agreed and the student is here today.
There must be something you aren't telling us. That is the infamous genius Min Yoongi ladies and gentlemen.
Of course my boy. But before I tell you what it is I will tell you that she is sharing a room with Jungkook.
And what is the catch here??? Asked Jin while I was laughing outside the room.
Hold up did you say she will share a room with me?! Asked Jungkook alarmed.
That is exactly what I said. Let me introduce you to her. He said coming to the door to get me I assume. After opening the door and inviting me in I stayed behind him as he said:
Boys this is Y/N and she will be staying with you for a long time. He said smiling as I stopped hiding and smiled a closed eye smile with a wave of my hand and said: Hi!!
All of the boys stayed in their places and looked at me shocked.
I frowned and asked: Do I have something on my face that you are looking at me like that.
No, it's just that ehhh...
What they want to say is that they have never lived with a girl since debuting. Explained the manager.
That's when it hit me. They are idols and since then they haven't been able to live a normal life.
Anyway, boys let's introduce ourselves.
One, two, three hi we are BTS.
Hello, I'm Y/N but you already know that this cutie is Bella.
She's sooooo cute. That is obviously Taehyung gushing over Bella. At that moment I heard a little bark. I turned my head to where I heard it and saw little Yeontan and Jin's pet in its' ball rolling around. The next thing I know is Taehyung taking Bella out and the three animals started chasing each other around and that made me a proud mama to have taught my cat how to play with other animals like dogs, hamsters, ducks, etc.
I was brought out of my thoughts after hearing a cough. I saw it was Namjoon.
Sooo if you'll excuse us we have to go back to practice, you can sit down or do whatever you want.
Seeing that I was wearing leggings and a sports bra thought why not do some stretching and gymnastic.

Seeing that I was wearing leggings and a sports bra thought why not do some stretching and gymnastic

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So this is the longest chapter yet.



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